chapter 1

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Jayde Archer, the eldest child of Xavier Archer.Straight black hair, hazel eyes and a beauty like no other.

The new school year has just started, just kidding. It's like the middle of the school and death to all who missed out on some epic fights that's been going around.

Jayde was 18 and still in High school. No she didn't fail or was held back. It's rather difficult to explain. Her younger sister -only by a year- is still in high school. She wanted to be in last year with Dakota Archer.

Dakota is rather the opposite of Jayde, if you see Jayde you might be scared of her since she kind of radiates the word "crazy". Then there is Dakota, the sunshine sister.

Dakota is like the hard interior with a squishy exterior. She once punched a guy in the face for just annoying the shit out of her. Then Jayde, the crazy one, has a soft interior that can break you if you make her irritated.

Both of these sister have been living in a 7 bedroom home with their new amazing step sisters Savannah and Samantha (that was a lie by the way.) Since their father Xavier got remarried after something happened to their mother. He decided to remarry a gold digging nice lady (that was also a lie.)

Jayde had to drive her rotten dokey kids to school. Jayde went downstairs to fix herself a nice breakfast before school. She sees her father and Morgan walked down. Xavier greets his daughter and she gives him a small hug glaring at Morgan. Dakota walks down ready for school. Savannah and Samantha yells for their mother and she scurries away to tend to her children.

"Father, I don't know why you had to remarry," Jayde said looking down at her bowl of almost empty cereal.

"Jayde, you know your mother is gone. I just had to," hr sighed running his hands through his hair. "You girls need to be nice to them."

"I don't think so. She is trying to distance you from us and you falling right into her trap," Dakota spoken sadly.

"So now you girls are ganging up on me," Xavier laughed. "Okay we should spend some time together like the old days. Unless you think you are too old for your old man."

"Nah. After school and no step mother or sisters either," Dakota said as Jayde put up her bowl.

"Of course. I have to go to work and you have to go to school. I'll see you guys when I get home." The girls nodded and the twins was waiting for them since they went out of the door. The ride to school was unbelievably saddening. When a new pop song came on and Dakota decided to sing to it. Savannah asked her to shut her mouth. Jayde almost got pulled over. Samantha was dancing and it looked like she was having a seizure.

"Everyone out my car," Jayde said irritatedly. Everyone scrambled out as she just sat there thinking.She could feel something new is going to happen between somewhere now and Friday. She got out and walked towards the building.The bell rung just as she got into class. Elijah texted her they been friends for a long time. She walked to her first class of the day.


Food best class of the day. Yes it is a class if you have more than 30 minutes in it consider a class. Just kidding it would be nice to eat and get an A. Jayde and Dakota went to a fast food restaurant. Once they had finished they went back to school for third. Jayde didn't have a third so she just chilled out in her car. She went to sleep for awhile. Dakota looked at her sister's sleeping form, she had gotten out of class early. Dakota tapped on the glass to wake Jayde. She smiled at her sister as she opened her eyes.Jayde got out of the car and walked towards the building while her sister sat in the car. She sat down in her seat once the bell rang for class to begin. She shouldn't even have the class till next semester but whatever. She focused in the note that should be taken and write the most important stuff and lined under it with different colors. The bell rung for ending of the day. Jayde and Dakota walked into the house. They didn't have to wait for the twins seeing as they was already here making out with some guy from the football team. Xavier walked into the main entry where they was. Dakota was glad that he keeped up on their morning promise.

"Hey girls," he said. Xavier was wearing more casual clothing that wasn't his suit and tie. He looked better and happier.

"Hi." Jayde said. She was going to take a visit to the tattoo and piercing parlor in the mall that they was going to.

"So, who wants to drive?" He said holding up the keys to one of his cars. Dakota took the keys as they begun to go out.

"Xavier honey, where are you going," Morgan said.

"Me and the girls was going out,"

"Why don't you take Savannah and Sammantha with you. They are you children also,"

"It's just me and my girls, baby. I will be back okay,"

"Why can't you take them is it because they aren't your children and you think lower of them," she screeched.

"Morgan," Xavier grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the kitchen for the younger ones wouldnt here. Jayde rolled her eyes and knew that this wasn't going to happen like they planned. Morgan was always getting in the way of something. Xavier came back with a small smile on his face.

"Come on girl," he said walking out of the door. They went shopping and got lots of clothing. But half of the time Xavier was furiously typing on his phone. Jayde had gotten her septum pierced. They had a fantastic time together like old days. The day was ending and they all had dinner together. Xavier and Morgan was exchanging looks of a still unresolved heat arguement.

Song: Animals by maroon 5
Jayde new picture up top

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