chapter 9

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"Wake up Jayde," Dakota said. It was Sunday morning and tomorrow we have to go back to school. I wanted to take a rest day before that happens.

"No. I'm sleeping Kota," I mumbled burying myself deeper into my covers.

"Kai is here," She bride me. I rolled my eyes.

"Really?" I said sarcastically. He should at least call me before he comes.

"Im serious," Her voice sounded like she was pouting. I was about to fall back to sleep.

"Prove it," I yawned.

"Okay. Kai come here. I'm gone," her voice faded as she left my room. I was pulled out of my bed. I stood up and glared at Kai. I was in my boyshort and at shirt. I was really annoyed at the moment.

"Kai why did you wake me," I said getting back into bed. He crawled beside and grabbed my hands.

"Baby I wanna go out. I called and texted you," I had my eyes closed humming.

"Buy me food and you will be forgiven," I said faintly.

"Okay. Get up," he pulled me up from my bed. I ran my hands through my hair and went to my shower. I took a long warm shower waking myself up. I put on some high waisted grey shorts and a white shirt with white converse. Kai handed me my keys and phone. We went downstairs and out the house. I went back to sleep in the car. Kai and I was walking around the park eating Ice cream.

"Are you mad at me baby,"

"You interrupted my sleep of course I am," I mumbled grumpily. He grabbed my hand and bring me closer to him. He kissed my cheek over and over again.

"Do you forgive me now," He whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes

"Yeah," I said tiredly. I was so tired. "Go through those woods for me"


"Because I said so,"

"Will you go with me,"

"Yeah we can see who gets out faster," he nodded and we walked through the woods separately. I was waiting for Kai at his car. He was sopping wet. He spelled so bad.

"Why did you do that," he said. He was covered in old milk, eggs, cheese and meatloaf. I was laughing to myself soundly.

"I didn't knowing," I said. We drive to his house. Which was fairly large like a mansion. I mean my house is a little smaller by probably a half inch. We went inside and walked towards the living room. Teri was there watching a sports game.

"Dude what the hell happened to you," He laughed.

"Jayde happened," He ran a hand through his hair. He grabbed my hand and we went to a staircase. We walked to his room, which was across Teri room and that was the only two rooms up there. Kai's room was huge and beautiful.

"You can go to sleep. I'm going to take a shower," He said looking through his clothes and went to his bathroom. I threw myself on his bed and went sleep. I woke up and stretched seeing Kai sleep. I played with his hair and he opened his eyes.

"Hey. Now I have to tell you that I have to go home," I said.

"Okay. Let's go," He stretched and go up grabbing his keys. We went downstair and out the house. Once we got to my house, I got out.

"It's no fair that I stay at your house and you can stay at mine," I pouted. He kiss me and winked.

"I will just stay so next time and I'll be there," he said.

"Pompous ass," I said going into the house. I went up to my room and took a shower and went back to sleep. The next day Me, Dakota, Kai and Teri went to the basketball court at the park. We was playing a game of two on two. I was shooting baskets or passing the ball to Dakota for she could shoot. We easily took a win the switched teams. It was me and Kai vs Dakota and Teri. We took a hard win. The points was so close. We went out for milkshakes and talked. We played a little more basketball before going back to the house. They drop us off back at out house. I saw our blood big head of a step mother fummingon the porch. Dakota and teri talked for minute.

"Bye Kai," I said hugging him.

"Bye Jayde," he kissed my forehead. I walked towards the house waving towards the brothers.

"Where have you two been? With those boys I suppose. I dont think its a good idea to be hanging around them. They are keeping up at late times and I know you came in at 11 last night," she said as we causal sat on the couch.

"You are not our mother or our father so you can not make certain decision of our life. Okay," I said getting up. Going upstairs to my room. I rested for awhile. There was knock at my door. My father came in.

"Hey Jayde," he said.

"Father could you tell your wife the next time she tries to interfere with my life. Make sure you are ready for tears," I said looking him in his eyes.

"I understand that you don't like morgan but still. I know that she should not directly interfere with your private life and I told her that she should come to me next time she has any concerns," He said.

"Yeah that would be better and I am 18 years old. I didn't even know it was that late to be honest," I said frustratedly.

"I wouldn't care when you come home as long as it don't affect your grade and you don't get kidnapped," he laughed. "Also inform me if you get home past 1 in the morning that my rule for you girls."

I nodded in agreement. He got up and left my room.

"Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes," He left my room. As I walked down for dinner my head started to hurt. I ignored the pain and counted for food. Morgan was glaring at dad while he was just laughing and goofing around. 

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