Chapter 15

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"I can't believe that they did this to us," I said to myself waiting for kai to finish cooking. Dakota had come downstairs. Her hair was all over the place. Teri was smiling at her.

"Hey Jayde and everyone else," Dakota said.

"Hey Dakota. Could you wake up the twins if that is okay," she nodded and headed upstairs. As she went upstairs, Kai looked at me.He kissed me on the cheek.

"Dont worry," he said to me.

"I'm not. You don't worry dork," I said rolling my eyes as I tasted some bacon that Teri cooked.

Everyone ate and went separate way to finish getting ready. I heard a loud scream and looked at the boys. We all ran up the stairs and followed the sound.I opened Samantha's door to see Dakota and Sam. I took out my phone and record the fight in amusement. Kai looked at me, I shrugged.

"You need to break this up," Teri said worried for Dakota.

"But it's funny," I said. They both scowled at me.

"Get off me you dumbass bitch," Sam said. That's when I got mad and Teri held me back.

"Okay what happened,"Kai demanded in his alpha voice. Oh my gosh thats sexy. I wouldn't hype his ego and tell him that. Once we stop that useless banter. I told them the news that I had found out this morning. They freaked out but we just went to school like normal. Once we got there I walked to class. I'm pretty sure Kai was about to say something but I wasn't paying attention to him. Damn the day had went by so boring I wish I could have sped it up. I did almost attack Sammy thought with her annoying ass, talking too much. I let Dakota drive my car home while I spent some time with Kai. We walked deep into the woods not saying a thing to eat other. He shifted and threw his clothes in his bookbag. He let me ride his wolf Nightmare. Nightmare was all black and his fur was soft. I heard that Teri's wolf was all white. Which there wolf are rare as fuck. Only 1 every 3 centuries or so but that what I read in an old ancient book.


It was about a week later and Kai and Teri was coming over in a few minutes. We was all sitting in the living room. A letter came from Xavier, apparently they were in Paris. Wow, isn't called the city of light or was it city of romance. Well it is one or both of those. I put the postcard into thier room. They had been to London, Norway and Greenland. THey had sent a picture to both of them looked like they was having a great time.

"I wonder why they would leave us like this," Savannah said to the brink of tear. She was still thinking about them after a whole damn week.

"Sav, get you shit together," I glared at her. "We don't need them. We are legal adults basically."

I was angry at the most about her complaining. I was sick of that shit. The door opened to reveal Kai, Teri and a young boy. I gave Kai the key to the house for no apparent.

"Hey baby girl," He gave me a side hug.

"Hey. Who is that?" I said looking at the kid.

"Girls. This is our young friend, Niklaus. Jayde, Dakota, Savannah and Samanta," Teri induced everyone. He was so adorable like a puppy. He had had brown hair and light brown eyes. We went to the living room and watched the latest movie that was out. Niklaus brung it when he came over for some odd reason.

"Im bored," I groaned.

"Truth or Dare?" Sam suggested. We all nodded our head at the idea of an innocent game of Truth or Dare.

"That's sound cool," Niklaus said. We all sat up from our laid position every where in the living room. I got a empty bottle and spun it on the table where we was all seated at. It had landed on Teri.

"Ever gotten laid?" I said mindlessly.


"Stop lying and tell the truth," I said looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm not," his voice cracked. We all looked at him like really.

"Just tell the truth," Dakota said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah," He admitted. Then spun the bottle which landed on Niklaus.

"Is a virgin,"

"No," Niklaus said cooly. Damn, A 16 year old can tell the truth fast than an 18 year old. I looked at Teri and shook my head wordlessly. Niklaus spun the bottle and it landed on me.

"Dare Nikaus," I said with a peace sign.

"Get in Kai's hoodie with him," he said. Kai stood up and I crawled under his hoodie. Surprisingly it fit both of us. Also, it was so warm and I liked it. I spun the bottle and it landed on Kai.

"Dare only for you," He said and whispered the last part in my ear. I pucker my lips at him and he gave me a soft kiss.

"Dare complete," I winked at him. The rest of the game was so crazy. We had gotten to some crazy dares and found out a lot about Klaus and his truth waterfall. Me and Kai had went outside for a couple of minutes while everyone is enjoying themselves inside.The stars was so beautiful and bright and so was the moon. I loved being under the moonlight. We was laying down on the roof, his head was on the stomach.

"Hey Jayde,"


"I like you a lot," he said.

"Okay," he looked up at me like really bitch. I gave him a small kiss and winked. He ruined the moment by saying that. I haven't thought a lot about my feelings directly to Kai. I felt a small blush creep upon my face.  

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