chapter 17

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I can't believe that he actually went there. He knew about my ex that lived there and how he is a threatening sociopath. He even threatened to kill anyone who got in his way. I was pasting in my room thinking of what to do. Wait, I already do know what to do. I going to kill that motherfucker. I walked to my bookcase, opening it. I got out bow and arrows, swords and my gun. Elijah came into my room while I was packing my think Kai sat there wordlessly. Elijah sat down beside Kai.

"So you are the wolf that has been smitten over Jayde," He said.

"Yes. He is this is my boyfriend Kai. Kai this is Elijah my friends," I said. "I want to investigate my parents, using it loosely death."

"Okay we will see," He said. There was a knock at the door and we went downstairs to see who it was. It was the whole council. We went to my backyard not involving everyone in the house.

"We know about you parents death Jayde," Veda said. I nodded.

"I want to go to Australia,"

"Go what do we have to do about it," Castiel said.

"I want to bring special items with me that won't alarm security," i rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay. We can get that arranged," Kat smiled. "Bring Elijah with you."

"Thank you," I said. We talked for a few more minutes and they went back to the house. I walked into the kitchen and fixed me some water. Kai wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down, kissing me. I moaned into his mouth. I been waiting for this all day.

"This is a pg house not rated R," someone said. Kai leaned back looking surprised and we saw that it was Niklaus.I giggled and shrugged.

"Niklaus, it's not my fault he came on to me," I pouted.

"That is a shame," Kai said. I heard knocking at the door as I went to open it I was engulfed in a hug. I push Elijah off of me.

"Elijah what the heck," I glared at him.

"I wanted to give you a hug," He laughs. "But our flight leaves in 1 hours and Kai is joining us."

I finished my packing and Kai went to his house to pack his thing. We said bye to everyone. This would only take a few days I will kill this bastard.


I got off the plane and stretched my body as it ache from the long plane ride. Elijah talked to the police and we got to go to the crime scene. I looked around for any evidence. Looking at the scene I knew exactly who did it. I walked away and signal to Kai and Elijah to follow me. I walked up to this apartment still looked the same. Knocking on the same door that I knew from years ago. He stood there with a sly smirk on his face.

"Welcome back to Australia, mate," he said leaning against the door frame.

"You son of a bitch kill my parents," I pushed him back into the house.

"Of course I did. You can't do anything about it because you are weak," he laughed grabbing my face.

"I killed people like you. You worth more than a werewolf," I held out my knife out towards him. Kai and Elijah finally walked in after ten good minutes. I looked over for the slightest second and Preston knocked my knife out of my hand. I fell on my ass, shit. Step one never get distracted by your surroundings.

"Damn it!" I got up and punched him in the gut. He staggered slightly, I kicked his face. I took a few steps back and aimed my bow at him. He tackled me and I flipped us over punching him in the face repeatedly. Elijah got me off of him.

"You think you can kill me but you can't. Remember that," he grinned.

"Okay bastard," I glared at him. He ran towards me and I stabbed him in his heart. Pulling out his soul. I turned around to Kai and Elijah glaring.

"I can't believe you to just stood their like complete idiots. I could have died and Elijah just pulled me away," I walked out of the apartment.We drove back to the hotel wordlessly. As I feel asleep, in my slumber I felt a presence. I opened my eyes and Preston face was there.

"What are you doing here," I sat up.

"I told you sweet cheeks," He grinned caressing my body. I smacked his hands off of me.

"Why did you kill them? Why are you messing with me? I told you years ago we are over," I seethed.

"I fucking love you, you are my everything. Now I'm going to kill you," he punched me in the face. I pulled out a sword that I had under my bed pointing it at him. I had it engraved angel blood with holy water. I swung my sword hitting him in the arm. He healed faster than a werewolf would if they lived. I shot arrows at him he was still healing. I finally got him in the eye and head a couple of times. He lie dead before me as I let out a breathe of relief. I went to Kai's room which he shared with elijah. Kai let me sleep with him.Waking up in the morning I went back to my room to get dress. We was going to leave in a few hours. I walked in and saw in blood 'See you soon, dollface -P' I nervously walked past it and took a shower. Putting on a harley quinn shirt and leggings. Going back to the other room to see the guys.

"You ready little Jay," Elijah said looking at me.

"Yeah," I nodded.

(Back to North America)

I stretched as we finally got back to the house. I miss this place after a good week. I know a week wasn't that long but still not having loud noise in the afternoon and arguing almost everyday. I ran into the house in excitement.

"We're back," I shouted. The first person I was greeted with was Niklaus and Dakota. They gave me bone crushing hugs. Kai and elijah came in a few minutes later with the bags.

"I miss you," Niklaus said.

"Hey Klaus and Kota. Where is everyone," I said not saying it back to Niklaus.

"She miss you to," Kai said in his ear lowly.

"Teri is getting movies and pizzas," She said cheerfully. I nodded then went upstairs and put all my clothes with the dirty ones. After I got settled in and took a nice long shower with putting on pjs. I went downstairs, Teri had finally got here.

"So Jayde, how was the investigation," Dakota said hopefully

"It was like a investigation secret," I said. "Their bodies will be here in a few days."

"Did you find anything," She pouted.

"Kota, don't get your hopes up. Father was a good person and someone not good got him. I'm sorry. The world is way too dangerous," I shrugged. Teri was acting super normal when he saw us. It made me happy. The twins was home two with small smiles one their faces. But quietly went to their rooms.   

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