chapter 25

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I started to text the guys leaving the girl out of this situation. Not knowing about the situation would be better for them also if it involves supernatural beings.

Me: I sense that we are being spied on. Teri you should take the girls home. Elijah you should take a different way to my house. We can't risk anything.

Elijah: I argee. I'm going to go get Harley anyway and bring her over.

Kai: okay let's go.

Teri: okay see everyone in five.

Me: I'm going to go a different way with Kai.

Me and Kai left after everyone else. We acted normal and I had a had one of my earbuds in. Four vampires surrounded us, I whisked out a knife from my boot.

"You are the hunter Jayde right. My name is Killer," one of them said. Such a weird name for a person and how did they know that I was a hunter.

"I'm Dory, that is sonny and he is," the guy smiled. Aka he has an unknown name and they just communicate really well.

"How do you know me and what do you want,"

"You are really famous for killing of course. Also we want to be on your side and help you stop this mess and join you," Dory said.

"Why should we trust you," Kai step in. I nodded my head in agreement. The showed me where their crest was it was crossed out and slowly fading away. It was still bloody from betrayal.

"Okay. I will let you come with me. Swear on your powers," I said. They swore on their powers that they wouldn't do any harm to me or anyone. Other than that everything was peachy.

I saw the house in view and Dakota was waiting for us. She noticed the vampires behind me. I whispered to them that she was didn't know about supernatural beings.

"Hey I see you brought some of your friends over," she said smiling. "So who are they?"

"This is Dory, Sonny and..." right on cue he smiles. "Can we just call you smiles."

The guy nodded and let out a small smile. He always stayed closer to Sonny. We all headed inside the house before we all burned up from the heat. Teri and Niklaus comes from the living room and looked as if they wanted to say something. But lucky my sister and step sisters are here to prevent that from happening. Also I don't think they will hurt girls a hope.

"These are my friends Dory, Sonny and Smiles," then he smiles on que like a goof.

"But they're vampire that are untrustworthy. They shouldn't stay," Teri says. My phone rung and they said if we miss five more days that everyone won't be able to graduate.

"Okay if you kids miss five more days of school. Say bye to graduation," I ignored Teri complaint.

"Okay. Tomorrow we going to attend school as usual," Teri said and everyone agreed. The 'sunkisser' left which is what I am calling them. I'm up in my bed half asleep and suddenly felt a dip in the bed. Kai wrapped his arms around my waist whispering I love you. My alarm woke me at 5:00. I went to my closet and put on blood red skirt and plain black shirt.

"Get up or get hell to pay. You got 2 hours," I yelled in the hallway for people could here me. The was banging and crashing around. I smiled as everyone was stumbling around in the rooms. I went downstairs to start making breakfast. Dakota was one of the first in the kitchen and she didn't look very happy.

"Dakota," I said in an annoyingly cheerful voice. She looked at me confusingly at first.

"I'm not in the mood," she glared.

"Oh my gosh! What happen to you, being a mrs. Grumpy gills," I said. Everyone ate and we headed out to the cars. Everyone took their own car with some riding with each other. Me and Kai was in the school ground with thirty minutes left. So we just went to my locker and got my belongings.

"Ew. What is the emo doing here. I heard she just dropped out,"someone said. I turned to see my best friend, Felicity. I heard that she moved back here a few weeks ago but I didn't believe it. She was gone for years ditching me.

"Well if it isn't my old friend Felicity,"

"Who is this cutie," she smiles looking at Kai. I step in front of her to stop her from looking at Kai.

"Don't do that, he's a good one. You won't get in he way," I looked straight into her eyes.

"Toche. You've grown some backbone. When did this happen," I was always strong than Felicity but she was the one that stood up for the both of us.

"When you left me all of those years ago,"

"Give me a hug bitch," she laughed. I step forward hugging her shortly. Kai looked so confused. "serious who the hell is he?"

"This is my boyfriend Kai. You can't steal him," I said poking her.

"I don't have to unless I have a reason,"

"What's your schedule,"

"Same as yours," of course she would get something like that arranged. I nodded my head as we walked to our class. Me and Felicity caught up on a lot of time that we spent apart from being a rogue hunter in Europe. We sat down beside Dakota and Teri, where Dakota waved at Felicity. They know each other on a small level. I wish Niklaus was in the class or something. It's seemed so boring.

As it's time for lunch which I couldn't attend because I was sitting in the car with Harley. Going somewhere that she hasn't told me. But I hope it's not for the war that has been subsided for the past few weeks. Cause I have a feeling that it's going to just explode and thing will get worse as the days past.

Hello who ever reads this. Ive been working on this story has fully died on me and Ive been working on my phone here and there also working on new stories to post. I hope that you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for such a late upload.

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