chapter 26

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This is getting interesting day by day. Still loving her after all these times. She was beautiful, through the years we been together and now she had to find someone else. I missed the smell of her that mutt won't impede my love. But she has a secret she doesn't even know, he has kept it locked away. I watch her. She killed me fifty times already. I won't let her get away. But supernatural beings are so damn gullible that it makes me laugh out of pity. She is the reason that the war started​ I am because of her. I want that mutt to die and she will crawl back. Also, once everyone knows her secret, it will be an uproar. I knew everything before she did. Seeing true power is my specialty. Elijah don't know don't know I've toyed with his cousin and been the keen problem. Sneaking into her home and going inside her dream to wake her up. She jolted awake from so much fear almost dripping in sweat.

"Hello beautiful," I smirked creasing her face.

"Why are you here," she said as she pressed a knife against my throat.

"To see you. I want you," touching the side of her face. Our position switched, and the knife was at her throat. "thinking about you is saddening that seeing you in person. I forget what your face had looked liked. You changed a lot. We used to be so close and now we'll what happened."

I dragged the knife deeper in her skin. She knees me in the stomach. As I bent over in pain, she kicked me in the face. Slapping her in the face it shone anger on her face. What is that emotion of anger, well it will get removed as it was showed?

I surprised that we didn't wake up that mutt yet. She rose, pushing her down on the ground to straddle her, punching her face. Jayde looked so weak and helpless and I enjoyed it. She called his name almost being done for. I wrapped my hands around her neck choking her.

She was struggling to reach for something. Then my head came off my body great. I went to purgatory to be resurrected. Having a single life left, this time I will kill her. seeing her cry for a while and put on more clothes. Then he had come in and hugged her. They conversed for a while. His name was Kai, I made a mental note in my mind. Well, Kai we will meet soon. But for now I will continue watching from afar. Elijah had come in soon after. I remember when we used to be friends, best mates.

He betrayed me like she did. Now they all will get my revenge and blood will soon be shed. As I healed and my body was ready to go back to the human world. I converted my scent and went into a place that had a lot of witches. They loved the gossip.

"Did you hear, that some slayer will try to stop this war." I hear one say. Smiling I approached them. They were beautiful both of them.

"Oh yes. I heard she was human thought. Why is she getting into a war of supernatural. She needs to die like the other,"

"I agree. Once we find out who she is. We can end her," They snickered.

"Well hello ladies. I heard you conversation and I am interested," I smirked. They looked at me.

"What kind of information can you give us," one said as she looked to her friend, who was nodding in agreement.

" This human name is Jayde. She acts like a hunter, they think she the best of them. She isnt though, also she has a boyfriend name Kai. Kai is a filthy mutt. Let's have them both killed," I said.

"This is good information. Let's take a hit out on the couple and we can rule the world together," the witch said. Her friend shrugged not caring about her flirtatious way.

"What is in it for your friend thought,"

"She is my right hand," as she put her arm around her waist The friend nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay let's do this," I got up and all three of us went to my house in the human world. They didn't care I was a demon. They figured it out my walk and my housing choice most are dumb about it. But lets say I had a little fun tonight.

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