chapter 16

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Since it was Christmas break and we had like two weeks of no school. I'm am happy truly satisfied that I don't have to see those dumbasses until next year. But whatever I was playing a game on my phone when it rung. I answered it.


*Hi. Is this Dakota Archer, the daughter of Xavier Archer and Stepmother Morgan Williams*

*Yes. That is me*

*Well I have bad new*

*what is it*

*We found your parents in an alleyway...dead.*


*They didn't get robbed or anything but their bodies are in Australia and will be shipped back to the States as soon as possible Miss. Archer.*

*I umm Okay Bye* I hung up my phone and thought about the situation. I felt tears run down my face. How could that happen to them? I know she was a botch but seriously. I got up and walked to my sister's room. She opened the door and saw that I was crying. She pulled me into a hug without question and into her room.

"Dakota what is wrong,"

"They are dead," I said

"Who is,"

"Dad and Morgan," I said with my shoulder shaking. She engulfed me into another hug and rubbed my back.

"How," She said curiously.

"The police in Australia called and said that they been shot in an alleyway," I wiped my tears.

"So we got batman without being there. Are they going to investigate,"

"Yeah," I said. She nodded her head and we told the twins which cried also. We were all in the kitchen and talked about what happened.

"I am going to Australia.Just don't get in trouble while I'm gone," Jayde exit the room with Kai following her. She seemed slightly aggravate. Teri just hugged me keeping me close to me.

I mean what am I supposed to do my father just died. I didn't want to spent my break like this. Elijah came by and went up to Jayde's room probably talking to her. But before he got up there Samantha was talking to him. He wasn't paying her any real attention. He gave me a hug and ran upstairs to her. Later he left and saying something that he will see us in the meantime.I showed my attention to the living room where Teri was there. We were watching movies. He told me stories that made me laugh. Which slightly got me over of my father's death. I am still in a grieving process. Why in an alleyway out of all places. Jayde can take care of it hopefully. Right now Bambi was on. It was the part where his mother died, I looked at Teri with tears brimming my eyes. He quickly changed the movie to Lion King. I was enjoying the movie until, yup, the part where Mufasa dies. I looked at Teri and put my hands around his neck, choking him.

"What are you trying to do make me feel worse," I said squeezing his throat. He shocks his head.

"Sorry.... Dakota....please...let....go," He wheezed. I glared and applied more pressure.

"YOU'RE DOING THIS ON PURPOSE!" He shook his head quickly.

"No! I'm sorry...Please...Wrong movie... Wrong time." I let go of him and he turned it into a different movie. Jayde said that she was leaving. I gave her a hug and went back to watching movies. I hope that she will be safe. Savannah and Samantha came down there hair was not terrible. But it was neater than earlier.

"We are going out," Savannah said. Sam look like she wanted to cry all over again. The quickly went out of the house. Niklaus had come over and brought happier movies and ice cream.

"I'm so sorry Dakota," He said once he had got here. I gave him a hug and took the ice cream while he popped in a movie. We watched movies till everyone basically went to sleep. I was woken in my bed the next day. I didn't want to get up, I stay there for a few minutes. There was a small knock at my door. Teri slowly came into my room with food.

"Hey I brought you food," He said setting a tray of food in front of me. I ate it and gave him the plate when I was finished.


"You will get through this. It happens to the best people and I am here for you," he said with a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks," I said.He nodded and left my room. I got up and took a shower. Once I was finished I left the house. Texting Teri where I was. My favorite place the batting ring. I let out all my frustrations for a good hour and 30 minutes. I also went to get something to eat once I was finished doing things for the day. Knowing how sad I am I don't know how to react. Should I be angry, like Jayde or depressed? Walking back into the house. I grabbed something to drink and saw a figure of someone or thing. I turn back and it was nothing. I bit my lip in confusion. I shook my head knowing it was just my imagination. I walk to my room and starfished on my bed. I went to sleep for the next day to begin without a family. I woke in the morning and went downstairs. I thought that I saw a figure but I guess it's my imagination.I fixed myself breakfast.

"Are you alright," Teri said. He scared me so fucking bad.

"Yes," I honestly forgot about him and niklaus. I really did feel so lonely. I walked up to Teri and gave him a hug. It was mostly for me, though. He wrapped his arms around me tightly.  

Black widow by Rita Ora and Iggy azalea

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