chapter 8

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Since we got back from the restaurant, Me and Kai went to my room. We are in my room a lot. I turned on my speaker and the first song it played was purple Lamborghini by Skrillex and Rick Ross. I hummed the song while I laid on my bed drawing.

"Why don't you draw me," Kai pouted. Damn, I do not know how to draw that good.

"Okay," I flipped to a new page. I began to draw Kai. Gosh, this is gonna turn out horrible, I thought. I wasn't really good at drawing people. Once finished I closed my notebook. I saw Kai look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you gonna show me,"

"No," I said. He grabbed me by my waist sliding me closer to him. I felt myself blushing.

"Why not," He snuggled into me.

"Because I said so," I turned slightly to him.

"I want to see it baby," he suck out his tongue.

"Yo. I said no," I pouted. He looked me in the eyes and leaned in. Giving me a soft kiss and he pulled back with my notebook in his hand. He looked through them and saw his. He looked astounded like it was good. It was fucking horrible.

"Was it so hard. I like it baby," He kissed my lips once more. I looked down and pouted.

"Don't do that," I looked up at him. "You are so cute."

"Whatever," I mumbled. I grabbed my electric guitar and started playing random chords out it. Kai sat up and looked at me. I ignored his look of amazement and continued to play.

"Baby," kai face appeared in front of me.

"Honey," I teased. He bent down to get could get closer. There was a knock at the door and Teri peaked his head in.

"Kai. Our dad called us and we have to leave," He nodded.

"Bye Jayde," he hugged me and went out the door. I played a few more cords and put my baby away. I got a call from Elijah and he said that I can go hunting in a few days. I went downstairs to eat and Savannah was there eating an apple. It was getting to dusk and Kai called me.


~I'm sleepy~

~okay. Sorry, I wanted to hear your voice~


~You are so cute and beautiful~

~Stop trying to kiss ass~

~Whatever. Go to sleep~

~Will do~

~Bye cutie~

~Bye~ I hung up the phone and went to sleep.

A week later

I was sitting in my bed with Kai. My head was on his chest while he was playing with my hair. I was humming to a song that I was listening to. We was just laying in silence. Enjoying each other's company. It was getting late.

"Kai, why do you have to leave," I said. I didn't want him to get up because this was to wonderful. Being in his arms like this.

"Cause I have to sleep of course," he kissed my forehead.

"You can sleep with me in my room,"

"I won't be able to think If around you thought or sleep,"

"Whatever. Bye," I kissed his cheek. He got up and walked out of my room. I couldn't help look at his cute butt. I hopped up and looked out the window to see him driving away. I went to my bookcase and pulled a book and typed in a code. Going into my secret chambers where I have different versions of swords. Some of them are handmade and others a brought. Even though I could go hunting about a week ago, I will get started today thought. I changed my clothing in something more fitting. I jumped out my window and walked into the woods. I smelled rouges nearby. I followed the scent. Always the best and be the best, I said to myself as I went to the place of the rouge. The scent was getting even stronger of him. He turned just as I was there. He shifted from his wolf to his human form.

"Hey there pretty girl," He said stepping closer to me. He was examining my body. "You think you can toy with an alpha. I would rather play instead."

"I rather not. But if you don't leave this area. There will be problems," I smirked. My hand was on the handle of my sword. He simply laughed. I had enough of his shit talking. I quickly pulled out my guns and shot him and everyone else. Putting my guns back I easily walked away. A few more people came and I shot them all. Silver bullet to the head is a lot easier. As I started to walk back when I got tackled. A boy was sitting on me. I flip us over and put a sword to his neck. He was staring at me in the eyes, his showed so much anger towards me.

"You killed my father,"

"Should I really let you survive,"

"Please," I could probably meet this young lad again. I got off him and began to walk backwards. He glared at me and ran. I smiled to myself as the successful kill. Since the kill was so good and the council will hear, I will get good pay. I jumped back into my room and changed clothes. Staying up for a while cleaning and sharpening for my sword. I had put everything in the secret room. I had then put my pj's and went to sleep. Why does killing get you so tired.  

Backseat Serenade by All Time Low

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