chapter 7

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Today would be a great day hopefully make a move or friends forever, I snickered to myself. Like it would actually happen no time soon. Putting on a sweatshirt and went downstairs to see him. Thanks for having such an awesome sister. Samantha and Savannah are out of town with their mother. Kai and Teri happened to be over at the house. It was Saturday in two days break will be over. The school will open their stupid ass doors again for students, hooray. I was sitting in the living room with Teri, there's an awkward somewhat silence. Apparently, I've heard that Kai and Jayde got into an overnight relation. Kai asked Jayde to be his girl during one of their video chats last week. Teri and I are still in the friendship stage, which is a major sigh. But the new couple was in her room at the moment leaving me with Teri alone. He was looking at me every few second looking like he wanted to tell me something. It slightly pissed me off.

"What," I said sharply as he looked at me with shock.

"I.. um .. how was your day?" he said rigidly. I turned aside my head at him.

"Good, you know. How was yours?" I said a little sarcastically.



"Dakota...I ugh.... do you want to... ugh go on.." He was trying to spit out rubbing the back of his neck.

"A date," He nodded. Why was he so nervous about asking me? I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah," I gasped out maybe this thing will go a little smoother, I convinced myself.


"K," He looked so glad.

He let out a breath of relief he was presumably holding. I would not mention refusal him. I mean I can't let the twins have him and they never will. He's remarkably yummy. We said nothing after that. But I was glad that unpleasant conversation was over thought. He grabbed my hand, and we went out walking down the street. I was wondering where we were going but I didn't ask. I looked out on the park in view, haven't been there in a few years. I jogged up head dragging him with me. I went on the swing and Teri pushed me. I was smiling so hard, pleasant memories of her. I feel like she wasn't even in my memories of when I was young.

"You were probably really pissed off at me how I was trying to ask you out," Teri laughed.

"No. Just a little but you are really cute," I leaned back as i reached the high sky. We talked and laughed until late noon. Jayde and kai picked us up and we went to dinner. They was screaming lyrics to the songs on the radio. My head was on Teri's shoulder. We stopped at a ice cream place. Jayde rushed out of the car. Then we all got out and Kai had caught up with Jayde. We went on around the mall, going into the different stores they had. Kai suggested that we should get together in an hour or two at the ice cream place. Suddenly went off to find Jayde. Teri and I took a walk around the mall. I have gone into the Vans store buying ten pairs of them. I had also gotten me a few new shirts. Teri had demanded that he should carry my belongings. It wasn't till a while when Jayde called to meet us at the ice cream place.We headed to there and sat down waiting for Jayde and Kai to come. They are so slow if they are taking their valued time. I rolled my eyes in aggravation thinking about it. They came in 5 minutes later taking a seat. They ordered and whispered to each other. Teri and Me had a small conversation with each other until I got bored.Opening my phone and played on my phone till our ice cream came out. I couldn't wait for that to happen. Once the waitress came out and gave us our ice cream I dug in and enjoyed every bit. Finishing up my ice cream cone, I got up went outside. I was sick of this scenery it was fucking lit. I took a long breathe in and exhaled out, rubbing my face. Shit I probably rubbed off my make up. I reapplied it quickly. Everyone else came out and we went back to the house. Thank the lord we are like damn it couldn't be any long it should be. I said goodbye to Teri and went up into my room. It was kinda late and the sun had set a few minutes ago. Even though it looked later than ever. I set myself a warm bath for myself taking off my clothing. Once I got in my body instantly relaxed once the warm water hit my body. I laid there and let myself relax from this stressful day until the water turned cold. As I washed myself off and put on my pajamas. I walked around my room hooking up my phone to the charger and got my laptop turning it on and put on my blue tooth and played music semi loud. I laid in my bed listening to the tunes waiting for rest to call my name. Moments later I was passed out into a wonderful dream land.  

Don't trust me- by 3oh!3

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