chapter 20

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Harley P.O.V

So I just got off the phone with Elijah. Since Elijah told Jayde what she really was, she has been training really hard. I had been hearing all these things about wolves. I know Veda is probably stirring the pot. I and Jayde went to the mansion. The mansion was we the counsel live when we have a meeting or we kills or have battles. So I walked in and Cas and Veda are arguing and I walk pass them. So we talked about a plan to have the supernatural to chill. After that, Elijah took her home.I'm so glad I finally found my mate. He is so adorable and really nice.

Jayde P.O.V

So we talked about the thing that was happening around the states. I walked into the house tired as hell.

"Hey everyone," I said

"Hi Jayde, " Niklaus said he looked out the kitchen.

"Where is everyone," I asked.

"They have gone out. Sam and savvy are somewhere and Kai, Teri, and Dakota went to the store,"

Ok, so what are you doing."

"Finding something to drink,"

I think he wants alcohol. "so something like alcohol."He looked at me and smiled. "Ok come with me."we walked down the hall and toward the staircase and I put in the lock code and the elevator appears and we went inside and went down. I saw my dad and my secret alcohol cellar. My dad isn't bad he's cool. I don't drink that much anyway.

Oh, my fuckin gosh Jayde."

Yes, haven't gone here in a year or two. So what you want, kid."

"2 bottles of vodka and bourbon please mummy."

"Ok vodka is isle 5 and bourbon isle 2." I said and he went to get what he wanted he was fast also least nobody saw us when we went back upstair nobody's home yet.

"Niklaus Liam Hyde now doesn't tell any living soul about my alcohol cellar or you will face the hunter in me understand. "

He nodded "ok have fun."

So he went up to his room starting to drink the Bourbon. I went to the living room and pouring myself a shot of rum I took before we left.


"Hey," I heard someone say.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey, Jayde are you drunk?" Kai asked me

"A little."

"Well take a nap and I will fix something to eat,"he kissd my cheek.

"Ok." I fell asleep on the couch all sprawled out.

Niklaus P.O.V

"Hey, Niklaus," Teri said. he looked at the 2 bottles of vodka and the one of bourbon

"Hey, Teri."


"ok. Thanks." I said getting up from the floor.

Jayde P.O.V

"Hey Jayde"

"It going to start in 10 days everyone already called the war on each other," Elijah said over the phone. This is going to be bad news


"Hey Jayde," Kai said walking into our room

"What I got to leave so hurry up and say what you're going to say," slightly irradiated

"Well, we might have called a war on the other supernatural species. So we have you know to do that in three days." He said smiling and trying to sound innocent

Ok, whatever. I'll be back in a few days, I guess." I said kissing Kai on the cheek

I packed a few black outfits and my leather jacket along with some swords and knives. I drove my motorcycle down the road and to the mansion. I walked in and everyone is far away from each other at the table.

"Why in the bloody hell would y'all be so idiotic to let something happen. Seriously like fuck you need to control something other than. damn can believe something like this happens," I yelled everyone flinched at my words.

"Sorry Jayde really like everything just came crashing down," Cas said.

"What are we going to do," I said in a soft voice

"Well, see them there." Veda said, " if they want war then we give them war."

"I'm going to La myx," I said walking out. I walked inside and started on drink shots after shots of vodka and bourbon. I was officially drunk by my 50th shot. I felt Elijah's arms wrap around me and carrying me to his car while I notice Harley had my motorcycle. I was half way past out but I didn't care.

I woke up in the morning with a mild headache. I wanted to kill everything in sight. I walked downstairs in my PJs and saw everyone in the meeting room and I sat down.

"Glad to see you had woken." Veda said loudly with a smile

"I would kill you, Veda, if I had my bow and arrow," I just growled at her and laid my head down on the table.

"Jayde you don't have to kill Veda."

"Now I and you have a meeting with the with the alphas of all of the wolf packs," Harley said

"Ok. I'm going to change then."

"Dress in red."

"Yes, madam."

I drug my self upstairs and took a shower. I walked downstairs and went to Harley. I walked to the main doors and waited for Harley. I did my makeup and she can a couple of minutes later. She looked at me and handed me a mask while she had put on one herself.

"Are you ready? It's going to be a meeting then party, so you pretty good."

"Ok and thanks," I smiled. Luckily I was dressed semi- causal.

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