chapter 22

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I got off the motorcycle waiting for Elijah and we left to go inside. The inside wasn't bad at all it was homey and comfortable. The furniture looked pretty comfortable. Then a woman looked in her 20's but probably not, since Elijah was 25.

"Elijah Gray White why haven't you seen me in a while," she said. I feel like I knew her from somewhere but it won't pop up.

"Hello mother, I've been busy and I visited you Christmas." That explains it. I barely saw her during my childhood. Dakota did, though. She always looked up to Auntie a lot. She probably spies every now and then on her.

"Of 2 years ago, who is this,"She probably dint remember me that well either. Since I have grown so much these past years.

"Mother she is coming with us she is human and she is just a friend," how could he lie like that.

"Hello darling my name is Ella and you are,"

"My name is Jayde Archer," I smiled with pride.

"Wow in the flesh I haven't seen you in 17 years. How old are you have you found any a mate or a beloved? a sexy demon, an angle, a kitsune an I don't know," she realized it was me but it's been a while. "How could you lie to be Elijah."

"Yes and actually he found me I'm only 19,"

"What his name? what is he?"

"Sorry but it's not a sexy demon," I looked at Elijah "but it's a werewolf his name is Kai and his brother is Teri,"

"That is still amazing. So we are going to the dinner tonight you got a dress,"

"Yes she does, mother," Elijah said walking to the kitchen

"So what pack does he have is it better than Elijah," she looked behind then at me and whispered.

"Almost, like both of them have an 8-pack which is too much you know," I smiled.

She laughed and we went upstairs to her room. Ella changed her clothes. She had on a simple black dress and black pumps. Elijah came in and gave me the dress and shoes. I did me and Ella's makeup and hair. I had mines in curls and hers in a bun.

You look absolutely stunning," Elijah and Ella said at the same time.

We got to this house and there were demons everywhere going in and out of the house. People looked straight at me and some of the men were looking intensely.

"Hello beauty, my name is Chasen. Would you like to dance and talk."

"Sure," I said as he was pulling me to the dance floor they dance in since which is awesome and we talked. He said he knew I wasn't full human. I said I understand everything about a supernatural being. We became best friends. I had gotten his number and he got mine.

So I talked to about half of the demons there. They had a deep conversation about the different things. After a good minute, we departed home I changed back into comfortable. We were leaving tomorrow morning and I went to sleep with Elijah. I was texting Kai till midnight.


Hey beauty


Thinking about you hbu


You're no thinking bout me:-(

;-) I <3 u

I loves you 2


When are you coming home

I don't know, but soon when are u

Soon.Ok good night love

Good nite and love you on the morrow

After that, I fell into a deep sleep.

🍍🍍🍍Dakota P.O.V🍍🍍🍍

Jayde has been gone for the past few days. But sometimes Teri comes with Niklaus and sometimes Kai. I noticed that the girls like him. He is a little cutie and he also has a 6-pack. Teri hates it when he walks around the house shirtless. I was talking to Samantha. I like her more.

"So Sam what's going on?" I asked

"Nothing much. Do you want to hang today with everyone,"

"Yes, why not?"


"Can I ask you something," I looked at her seriously. It's kind of hard to do that since people don't take me serious at all.

"Yes of course,"

"Why do you act like a slut? I mean not to offend you or anything,"

"It's because of Savannah. All my clothes are like slutty I'm the nice one. She the one that did this to me and sometimes I'm not a home I'm at my job and it not the strip club." She said with a giggle towards the end. I nodded my head and she went upstairs to get Savannah. I started to text Teri:

Hey Teri bear

Hey Dakota

You want to hang with me and the girls

Sure I'm going to bring Niklaus and Kai ;-)

Ok, see u later:-)

I set down my phone and went to my room and change clothes. There was a knock at the door. I looked out the window from my bedroom. My room is above the front door. I saw that it was Teri, Niklaus, and Kai.

"Hey, guys you can come in," I yelled. Teri gave me a thumbs up and walk into the house, I sighed in sadness. Sadly that's the only thing he's done lately. No kiss, hug, hand holding, cuddle, no nothing. It makes me upset. Shaking off that sadness I went downstairs and sat beside Teri, and like I said nothing happened. I turned on the TV to a scary movie. When the movie was over only me, Teri, Kai and Niklaus was up.

"I think I'm never going to sleep again," they laughed at me.

Hidden SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora