chapter 24

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I group chatted with the guys.
J:I think we are being spied on we need to leave especially Elijah sorry but we can't risk anything with your supernatural of ppl.
E:that's ok but I will see yall later I'll bring Harley with me .
K:ok we can leave.
T: I'll get Niklaus and the girls.
J:I'm going to walk back see you later.

I left the park after everyone. I walked with my ear buds and listening to whatever. Four vampires surrounded me smiling. I looked at them like their crazy.

"Hey Jayde, my name is Kiler,"



The dude just looked at me and smiled. I think of him as smiles.

"We want to be on your side,"

"I don't believe you and why should I trust you,"

They showed me why I should believe them. As I look at their shoulders was their crest crossed out, except smiles.

"This is why you should believe us," Dory smiled sadly.

"Not trying to be mean nor rude but Dory can we change your name to...... Kesa and how do you know my name."

"Ok, I like the name and we somewhat asked people in your school," Dory said.

We walked back to the house in peace. Dakota was outside and she noticed that the vampires are behind me. I whispered to them without Dakota noticing what I'm doing that. She doesn't know about out supernatural beings.

"Hey," Dakota said. "Who are your friends?"

"They are Kiler, Sonny, Kesa and you know,'' I said looking at him. Again he just smiles. " Hey can I call you smiles." he quickly nodded.

So we walked in the house. Kai, Niklaus, and Teri come from the living room they look like they bout to say something. But lucky my sisters are here to stop a fight to burst. Also, lucky they are girls expect smiles.

"Hey Kai, these are my friends Kiler, Sonny, Kesa, and smiles," I said and right on cue he smiles. As I went up to him put my hand on his shoulder.

"But they are vampires. Untrustworthy vampires. That we don't like and they can't stay here," he softly whispered in my ear.

"The school called my cell phone and said that if we miss one more day of school that we are not going to graduate," I said. I had also ignoring Kai's complaint.

"Oh, we are going back tomorrow," Teri said. I nodded at him. The vampires left the house. I'm up in my room half asleep. I felt a dip in the bed and an arm wrapped around my waist.'I love thy dearest Jayde.' I heard Kai say.

I yawned 5:00 sharp I woke up went to my closet. Picked out my blood red skinny jeans and my dark blue short sleeved shirt with my blue heel boots.

"EVERYONE GET THE HELL UP OR YOU WON'T GRADUATE. NEVER GET A DAMN LIFE OR A GOOD JOB YOULL ONLY PROBABLY BE WORKING AT MCDONALDS ALSO I SURE AS HELL WON'T SEE YOU. 2 FUCKING HOURS," I screamed through the halls everyone was out. running in and out the bathrooms and rooms. everyone was looking good. Kota kinda doesn't look happy.


"I'm not in the mood,"

"Oh my gosh! What the hell happen to my sister and is someone a Mrs. Grumpy gills," I said. So we walked out to the car. So we took 3 different cars. I took my motorcycle. Kai was driving. Dakota took her own car with Teri and Niklaus. Savvy and Sam took their batmobile that is hot pink with brown and grayish strips which don't look good .

Kai and I were at the school parking lot 30 minutes left. So we went to my locker and got my stuff.

"Ew what the emo doing here I thought she would ditch like she always does," Felicity said. Which was actually the top bitch that moved back a week ago? I still know what going on at school. She was gone for years.

"Well if isn't my old friend Felicity," I said.

"Who is this cutie" she said looking at Kai and I stood right in front of her to stop the view from Kai.

"Don't do that I know what you're about and you won't get away with this one," I said to her

"Touche you got a backbone. When did that happen?"

"When you left me all those years ago. I can't believe that you didn't tell me,"

"Give me a hug you bitch," she said hugging me I saw Kai face in confusion." But seriously who is this cutie?"

"My boyfriend Kai and you aren't going to steal him,"

"Of course I don't unless I have a good reason,"

"What's your schedule?"

"The same as yours,"

"Oi, we got to got to class we have five minutes in class," I said

"So we were walking down the hall to class. I and Felicity fought upon what we do she was a rogue hunter too but she was in Europe. We got to class with time to spare. We sat down with Dakota and Teri. Yeah, we all have first block together but the twins don't sit with us. Niklaus have different classes from us. So we don't see him until lunch. The day went by fast and now it's time for lunch. Which I can't go to because I'm here sitting in the car with Harley bout to go somewhere.

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