A falcons heart (4/?)

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_(n)_ laid on her couch bored. Her hand was on a chip bowl while a cat laid on her hips sleeping. She looked down at it then to the side at the giant t.v . A sigh left her lips remembering Mito had to leave with Hashirama to Paris and now Madara had to go somewhere so she was pretty much friendless , although she had a huge contact list somehow only those three made her not feel alone , minus Tobirama but he scared her at times.

_(n)_ sat up slowly getting her phone checking the messages "Hu......." She blinked seeing one but smiled quickly opening it.

..••**...••Docomo Messenger••...**••..

Madara : is he adapting well?

_(n)_: mm, his always sleeping Thou...is that normal ?

Madara : yeah don't worry about it.


Madara blinked turning off his phone sighing .

"OY! Come and sit !"

"Yeah yeah..."

He turned to the black haired woman irritated. Mikoto blinked raising an eyebrow " what is it ?" "Nothing." The man walked with his arms crossed passing the Uchiha woman.
Mikoto blinked raising an eyebrow yet again eyeing the man leave to the living room ' the heck....'


_(n)_ blinked putting her phone on her floor " so bored......"

--20 mins later--

She blinked getting her phone yet again opening it. Her thumb stopped 1inch away from the green phone icon. Her eyes stared at the mans photo as she twitched .

"Why am I so nervous now....sheesh....."

*enter cute ringtone *

The woman jumped having her phone slam on her face while the cat on her ran off. _(n)_ got the thing irritated as she answered " yeah......" She blinked twice hearing the familiar voice. She looked down having a cold gaze.


Madara opened his phone looking at it again.


"What do you want "

"Stop looking at your phone."


He looked Up at the woman annoyed while she glared,Itachi looked at them both confuse as he turned a bit feeding a baby Sasuke.  The Uchiha looked to the side annoyed more then usually making his step cousin eye him " you have a girl in your mind don't yah ~" "what........" Madara looked at her blushing a bit. Mikoto blinked smiling at the man "mm you've changed a bit , like your talking more then usual "  the man glared looking down hearing her giggle.

---------------Next Day------------

_(n)_ blinked looking at the t.v with a straight expression as a cat purred on her lap . She smiled  looking down at him " your really cuddly Hu....I can see why he cares for you a lot, i don't feel alone when your here " "meow" the woman giggled smiling more as she patted his head. Her eyes moved to the tablet seeing her new designs " I need more inspiration......" Her eyes closed for a bit as she slowly felt sleep.

--3 hours later--

*ding *

*ding* *ding* *ding*

_(n)_ twitched opening her eyes half sleep ' the hell.....' She slowly got up placing the sleeping cat on the couch as she made her way towards the front door hearing the rain fall. Her hand gently turned the knob opening it

"Eh? I thought you said you'll be back till Friday "

"I was...but...I was thinking of something ..."

"...which is...?"

Madara blinked looking at her as he held an umbrella. His cheeks went red as his gaze went to the side " nothing important...uhm...ill just take my cat then..." "Why..." "What do you mean..?" The man looked at the woman while she blinked twice .

"It's nice having him around ! "


"How much for him!"

"His not for sell idiot."

He glared while she smiled more. Madara blinked looking up not seeing rain falling anymore ' eh......' " anyways , come in you must be tired " ".. No...I-I'm good..." " Madara!!" "What..." " stop being such a prude !!" " hey!!!" He glared extremely embarrassed by her nick name making her laugh. The man sigh a bit annoyed, he got the umbrella slowly closing it .



"I said fine . I'll go inside ."


Fugaku blinked walking inside his home " where's Madara ?" He turned to his wife while Itachi hugged him. Mikoto smiled cleaning the mess Sasuke did as she stood up " he had to go back ." " something happened to his cat?" "Mm..." " then...?" ".....lets just say....his finally ...opening his eyes .." " that's racist " "why ??" "cuz his Asian" "....we're all Asian " " still racist" " shut up dear."

(( it's k for me to do this joke since I'm half Japanese right ...?
(유∀유|||) ....*cough / flies away* ))

Madara blinked sitting on a white pod chair. He smiled petting his cat as the fluffy thing rubbed itself on him showing how much he missed his owner even though it's been 2 days.

_(n)_ blinked watching curiously " I noticed animals like you a lot " "....at times it depends...." The man looked up at her while she blinked " Hu....." " nothing nothing ..." He smiled a bit making her blush nervously .


Madara moved his eyes down seeing the cat giving his famous smirks. The man glared at it as his cheeks went red. _(n)_ blinked watching the man still. She looked to the side having a calm smile on her lips feeling the empty void inside her leave.



"What time do you get out tomorrow "

"I'm not working tomorrow "

"Your not ??"

"Nope....I took the week off with fagaku..."



he blinked confuse seeing her face turned a shade of pink, he twitched understanding as he looked down yet again with red glowing cheeks.

Silence was between the two 'friends' yet again.

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