
466 29 16

Art by: CTR

ψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψ this story is not dead ψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψψ(`∇')ψ

~~~Le time skip~~~

_(n)_ blinked blushing as she placed her sketch book on the small desk. Arms were wrapped around her bringing her back to a warm embrace.
She chuckled feeling a kiss being placed in her cheek.

"What ?"

"Nothing ..."

Madara hide his face on her hair but he soon twitched feeling a small movement next to him. The man looked back but he sigh sweat dropping seeing Ashura sleeping while he hugged a toddler.

"Who's there ?"

"Ashura ......"


The woman smiled trying to see but would fail from him blocking the view. She puffed her cheeks but soon smiled seeing him let go of her as he sat up getting the two.
Ashura twitched opening his eyes confuse while his baby brothers head tilted down as he kept sleeping.
The woman giggled as he laid them down between them. Madara smiled laying down once again " it seems they like each other " "mm, I'm happy ...." _(n)_ stroke the brunets and black haired boys hair slowly " he looks like you .." " really now ?" Madara blinked amused. The woman nodded giggling as he kissed her forehead.


"Don't mix that together "

"Then what do I mix it with ..."

"Water "

"Isn't milk better though..."

Madara glared at the teen. Indra blinked looking up at him but he soon looked straight at the pancake mix nervously ' his scary when his serious....' The boy looked back at the man seeing Madara staring at him still. He sweat dropped.

"Madara just let him make the food he wants "

"But in teaching him a be-"

"Just let in see how he wants it "

The man puffed his cheeks while the woman smiled at him calmly holding a spoon on her hand while a black haired boy was on her lap and a brunette kept poking him.
Madara looked back at Indra seeing the boy just staring at him with his giant red eyes causing his eye to twitch.



"Yes fine Hu."


_(n)_ glared at him while he glared back as he took off the sticky pancake fluid from his now grown hair. The woman sigh sweat dropping but smiled hearing laughter " at least his happy you let him do something on his own"  "Hmp."  He puffed his now pink cheeks as she kissed one slowly " love you ~" "yeah yeah....." The man smiled a bit as he heard a music box playing and a babies laughter coming after.

"He likes classical music a lot "

"Mm, that's good "


"Means he won't be an idiot "

"Really "


The woman shook her head smiling as she watched the boy slowly fall sleep again" I noticed " "noticed what?" The man walked as he had a towel wrapped on his head, his gazed moved down to the boy as the woman continued " I noticed his lips " "hm?" "His lips are quite luscious for his age "  Madara stayed quiet for a while as he looked at the boy " hehe..." A smile formed on his lips " his Izuna after all."

Waifu (Uchiha Madara X Reader) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now