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Art by : Vertigo


Madara walked with an irritated expression as he felt being watch. He turned as he officers looked away. The girly looking man turned once again as he continued his way around the station.

--------------meanwhile ----------

_(n)_ was smiling with a spaced out look. She stopped her designing. She just stopped functioning out of nowhere as her thoughts drifted towards said porcupine man.

'Hmm if he works then he will get out really late compare to me and hat means when I get home I won't have his cooking so I have to order out as usual....also I won't spent as much time ....'

She turned towards her phone eyeing the electronic. An intense stare of was seen between the two.

"To call...or not to call...that is the question..."


" why are all of you acting weird ..."

" no we aren't ..."

"What makes you think that?"

Madara glared holding a file while watching Hikaku 'read' a book which was upside down and fugaku supposably texting Mikoto but he could tell his phone was off. The Uchiha glared more at the bothers as he turned leaving once again ' idiots.' The man left the station towards his patrol car but stopped on his pace meeting a red faced woman. He raised an eyebrow in confusion"What are you doing here ....?" _(n)_ walked towards him making the man stepped back seeing her glare " w-what...?" He sweated nervously having his back hit a tree while she clutched his uniform shirt bringing him to the front forcefully in to a tight hug.
A poker face. That's all he had. He looked down at her blushing " w-what's this for.." His eye twitched as she rubbed her head on his chest " if your going to do that..wait till later I have work to do." " quite your job." "What???" "Mm. " the man eyed the woman disbelief " I'm not doing that. Now." He blinked feeling something being placed on his hand. The man brought it up seeing a lacy glove "....what's this...for."
_(n)_ smiled stepping back seeing how well it looked " mm nothing !"  Madara had a confuse expression as he looked at the globe yet again ".....wait a minute.... " he froze seeing it having a connecting cap " no no no no!!! We aren't doing that tonight !" He glared seeing her walking off happily.



The Uchiha sighed annoyed but stared at the glove blushing. He stumped off to his car with a redden face.

-------------Later on--------------

"Can you open this part more....."

"Mm won't it show too much ?"


_(n)_ looked at the latex outfit smiling as she walked around it " can they be heart shaped ??" She giggled imaging the mans face expression. Mito sweat dropped smiling as she placed her measuring tape down " your really happy around him Hu" "mm, it's weird how his the only man I actually felt connected with"  the red head smiled more at her friend but thought "...did you tell him your an otaku?" "......" " you do remember he hates anime right ?" "........" The rich woman looked to the side nervously ' I need to lock up at room.'


"You look calm "

"I do..?"


Minato smiled at the man while Kushina held a baby boy. Madara blinked holding a file as he looked down at the floor " ah....." The redhead tilted her head " what is it ?" " nothing this is for you two , court is calling " the Uchiha handed the Namikaze man the file as he sweat dropped getting it " aww how's the missus ?" " she's good...wait...what missus ..." Madara looked at him blushing in confusion Minato and Kushina looked at each other then straight at the Uchiha.


_(n)_ threw all her figmas / body pillows/ DVDs / video games/ etc to an empty room nervously ' shit shit shit !! I forgot of this!!!' She slammed the door close as she locked it but then got a lock locking then yellow tape smiling.


Madara stared at the large door with the yellow police tape around it "........" He looked to the side seeing the woman walking nervously towards the bedroom. He blinked sweat dropping ' what's with her .....' The man followed the woman confuse as he held a black glove on his hand.



"Don't ignore me."


"Hey hey hey!!!!"

he snatched her from her shoulders making her turn back " yeah...." " your acting weird ." " w-went don't I." She smiled nervously looking to the side. The man glared but soon sigh placing the glove on her hand " here. "

"What would you do if I liked anime......"


"Or manga..."


"What if I was an otaku ......"

Madara had the most dark gaze at her making her actually sweat nervously. She felt like the Uke and him the Seme .

"Hmp. It'll depend."


He turned walking off to find his cat while she staid on the hallway.



"Don't ignore me !!!!"


Such a boring chapter  (இ∀ இ'。) lol ...*twitch *  maybe cuz next one will have the stuff !! *cough*

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