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Art by: pony prophet

--Le skip--

" do you two have your homework ."



"Everything intact when it comes to supplies "

"Dad you checked our backpacks two times earlier "


Madara puffed his cheeks a bit while fixing the two young boys's uniform collar. Indra and Ashura stared at the mans pale hands as they fixed their Black ties. The man soon stood up sighing " Indra see that Ashura doesn't get in a fight again" "mm" the older brother soon turned walking as he dragged the brunette with puffed cheeks.
Madara smiled watching the two disappear inside the schools large doors , his hands moved inside the hoodies pocket getting out a phone , he calmly answered the call while placing it on his ear " hello?" "Madara !" "What..?" " I'm going to be late today so...can you pick them up?" "Yeah..." He blinked twice walking towards the fancy looking car while his now shoulder length hair blew on the cold wind.

"You seem down what's up?"

"I'm not down..."

"I can hear it in your voice "

"Hmp, just get home quick "

"Hehe okay"

The man sighed blushing a bit as he hanged up on his wife . He looked at his reflection seeing his hair ' it needs to grow faster ......' He calmly opened the door as he flopped on the drivers sit , his eyes slowly moved to the front window as he eyed the cloudy sky.

"Hm........I haven't gone to visit any of you ...."

He looked at the portrait photo hanging from the rear view mirror " I was caught with my own happiness and I didn't see how you guys never had your own...." There it was.


That feeling left him long ago. He didn't know why it came back. The anxiety quickly began to make him feel paranoid soon dread causing him to place his face between his hands as sobbing came out his way.

"Why don't I feel happy."


Madara laid on the couch not feeling any energy. He wasn't hungry. Again. He wasn't feeling his usual good vibe not even Hashiramas stupid text could make him crack a small chuckle or smirk. His face wast stern and bored. He soon closed his eyes letting his sleep take him ' I need my pills again.'


_(n)_ walked calmly sighing " good thing she offered herself ..I need to give her a raise " the woman smiled sweat dropping while unlocking the house door, she checked her watch ' 3:50 P.M ...hmm they'll be out till 6 after their extra classes might get them food in the way back...' She looked straight as her hand left the door closed by itself .
The woman made her way towards the second floor but stopped hearing low snoring. She looked to the living room seeing a figure laying on the large couch. She smiled walking towards it with a calm gaze till her pace stopped completely .

A familiar medicine bottle was seen on the coffee table next to it laid a glass of half finished water . Her gaze moved to his face seeing how peaceful he was sleeping ' again just....like last time .....I saw that back when I first began to interact with him...' She walked around quickly as her heals were abandon on the carpet , she sat down on the floor with her arms folded with each other , her head laid on top of them as she watched his delicate face. She soon blushed moving hand from under her chin to his cheek letting her thumb stroke it.  " at times I wonder if you did a good choice for yourself. "

Madara moved a bit as a sigh left his lips as a smile form on his lips feeling at peace . The woma smiled leaning closer kissing his forehead.

"But I'm happy you never left "


Madara opened his eyes half ways seeing the place empty, the sun was down making him quickly sat up with wide eyes " what time is it .." He looked at the giant clock across the room .


"Crap. I over slept."  He quickly walked out the room but stopped seeing Ashura scavenging around the large fridge with a sandwich at hand. The boy turned freezing seeing his father staring at him.


"Uhhh Indra wanted ..."


He looked to the stairs seeing the red eyed  boy skipping down with a bored expression while the cat followed behind.
Now the man was confuse. More then before . He was suppose to pick them up. He knew Hashirama didn't know their schedule nor did Minato, fugaku or Tobirama. His wife told him she was going to be late , right ??
He crossed his arms " how did you two come from school??" The brothers stared at him confuse " mom picked us up" "why?" "What..." "Mm I didn't wanted to wake you up" Madara turned quickly seeing the woman smiling at him. He blushed slowly seeing her hair down and her wearing what he would usually love to see her in. Normal large shirts and sweats. Really casual and vintage-ish.

"Uhh I thought..."

"I was out early , I was going to surpass you but uhm..I found you sleeping "

He moved his gaze towards the side making her giggle . The woman soon walked " you two are suppose to be doing homework, Ashura you've eaten enough today " she placed her hands on her hips while the brunette pouted " but I love food .." "Just go upstairs again idiot..." Indra dragged his teary brother while he drank  his bottled tea .

Madara blinked watching the two with a small smile while his wife looked at him. " what's up " "Hu?" He turned to her while she glared a bit " Madara if something is bothering you tell me." "Nothing is...."  She sigh takin a small plastic bottle from her pocket " this." The man staid quiet eyeing the Anti-depression pills.

"What of it."

"....Madara. What is it "

"It's ..nothing really it doesn't concern you "

"Yes it does "


"I'm married to you . Whatever bothers you bothers  me . When will you get that?"

He looked down staying quiet while she sigh  once again walking calmly as her arms wrapped around his thin form " I'm always here okay, also the boys, remember your not alone anymore ." "...but...". "Hm?" ".....I......." He blinked twice hugging the woman back , he laid a thin pale hand on her head " nothing........" He smiled slowly as he hide his face on her head.


Madara sigh having pink cheeks as he felt arms have a tight hold on his waist. The Uchiha stared at the open bay window watching the city lights. One hand was folded under his head while the other laid on top of his wives delicate body.

"Are you still depress ?"

"I never estates of being depress"

"Madara I'm your wife. I know how you are "

He closed his eyes blushing " Urusai...."  _(n)_ sigh smiling on his warm chest. She hugged his body closer making him twice a bit " wanna.....take over ?" "What....." "You.....know..." She blushed slowly looking up while he stared down at her confuse.

"..wanna be the top ..?"

The man could feel his face go red while she kept a smile with rosy color cheeks .

"Will that help you ?"


Waifu (Uchiha Madara X Reader) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now