Dont ( ( Leave Me) )

846 40 7

Art by: Vertigo (●'艸`)


Madara glared looking at his hair " this will give me away too much....' He stood up trying to tie it up in to a bun , he soon placed a hood over his head walking out his home. He looked around paranoid ' I don't like this. I don't like this at all.' He swallowed nervously as he passed some women's gossiping of him and _(n)_.
A sigh left his lips from the large amount of irritation ' I didn't even say it correctly. '


A shady looking man was seen walking towards a girly store, Madara placed his hands on the silver handle yanking the door open as he walked in angrily pulling his hood down making his hair fluff out the bun it was once in.


Everyone had wide eyes watching him walk in passing the employees. Nobody made eye contact with the man since well his appearance frighten mostly anyone right now.

_(n)_ smiled getting up from her desk as she held her binder with her new designs .


She jumped turning to her door seeing an infuriated Madara " what's u-" " don't you what's up me. What's the deal with this shit of us two marrying ." The woman raised an eyebrow " are you really asking that." " Urusai. How do they know . Stop telling those idiots of the media about me." " I didn't tell anything and your the one who kept on screaming yesterday."
The man slowly closed his mouth holding his scream from rage and defeat. He looked down angrily yet embarrassed. The woman smiled walking towards him as she stopped looking down at the man. Madara looked up at her then down again feeling intimidated.

"How come your tall today...."

"I'm wearing platforms."


He blushed slowly feeling her hug him happily as he looked to the side unamused.

"Clear this misunderstanding."

"Which is."

" know. Me and you. I uhm....."

"Do you like me ?"


"Do you like me , Madara ."


She looked down at him tilting her head with a smile still in her face. The man kept looking to the side , he slowly moved his gaze up at her nodding a bit.


"...but thats not my thing....."

"Then what is your thing ?"


"What will you do ?"


He closed his eyes hiding his face on her chest admitting defeat. She smiled more feeling him hug her back tightly. Hearts could be seen coming out her head as she eyed his ears turning red ' his such a cutie....'

---------------next day-------------

Madara staid sited on the corner of an office gloomily looking in to space. ' what have I agreed to.' He blinked having a saki bottle at hand ' my body just moves on its own, I have no control of it when I'm around her.......' He began to gulp the alcohol letting some run down his mouth as it drip down his chin.
A growl left his mouth he he threw the thing in the side letting it break. The man held his head as his mouth trembled with tears forming on his eyes.

Waifu (Uchiha Madara X Reader) (Discontinued) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt