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_(n)_ smiled patting the brunette as she looked straight making eye contact with the other boy.
Indra jumped quickly hiding behind the tall mans leg not so sure if he should completely trust her, one thing for sure his brother was an idiot for simply running to her.

"So red eyes Hu, that's quite strange "

"Told you ..."

Madara blinked looking down at the boy , his right hand moved down to his back slowly pushing him forward " go on , she won't do anything bad " Indra had an uneasy expression as he was being pushed. He was stiff as a cat , which made Madara enjoy having him around more , the boy froze more as his hair puffed a bit facing the woman face to face.
Ashura kept his hold on her leg while staring at his brother confuse , this was the first time he has seen his sassy bro this nervously.
_(n)_ blinked twice staring at him " hello!" ".......h-hello....." He looked towards the side quickly hearing her giggle. Indra closed his eyes feeling her hug him.

Madara blinked twice watching, the man smiled a bit while his cat clawed his legs soon his side . Mochi sat on the mans shoulders like a parrot meowing loudly in pure displeasure from not getting attention.


"It's late "


"Shouldn't we do this tomorrow "

"They need stuff "

"They can sleep in our room "

_(n)_ looked back at the man having red cheeks making him raise an eyebrow. Madara kept a confuse expression while his sons disappeared around the store.


".....your....acting so cute ..."



She turned once again walking while he followed like a lost puppy on the unknown store. " where did they go ?" "......." "You didn't see were they left to??" "Well your the mother Madara I'm the working father,it's the mothers job to keep a better eye then the father! !" The woman turned smiling while he glared having a dark blush of embarrassment.

The couple looked around. The woman kept calm and collected while the man sweated nervously and slowly felt anxiety coming" we should call the security " " no,..." " how long have we been walking" " Madara calm down " "but their children ..." The man stopped walking along with the woman. _(n)_ sigh smiling as she looked at him "...what..?" He raised an eyebrow , the man quickly blush feeling her hug him tightly , the man blinked twice blushing more but quickly stopped as he looked straight noticing something black and brunette on the edge of a bed.

"Hey you two !!!"

_(n)_  blinked twice watching the man walk quickly towards the two brothers like an enrage mother. The woman blinked twice looking at them , she soon laughed happily going after them.

~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~

Madara blinked looking down at a pan watching the coconut oil sizzle. He closed his eyes feeling arms wrapping on his waist slowly " your up early " "mm, the bed got cold " the woman laid her head on his back snuggling on it while he chuckle lowly "guess what the day after tomorrow is !" ".....no........" "Mhm!" "I just want to stay home..." He looked back seeing her straight expression. The man looked back at the pan sweating nervously as she left his waist "fine then~ " _(n)_ smiled walking off towards laughter.
Madara stood there thinking of the horrifying things she did to him on his last birthday. He trembled getting the chills ' calm down at least with them she can't do that !' He got the eggs cracking them slowly. The man sigh gloomily.

Waifu (Uchiha Madara X Reader) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now