Maybe This Could Work (Raven)

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I walked into my room, staring at the dark purple walls. They seemed to tell a story. I was lost in thought when I heard someone breathing. I levitated over to the door looking through a small glass window by the door. I saw Beast Boy. That boy is in some serious trouble when I can get my hands on him! I thought to myself.
"Over here Cyborg! Maybe you can hear something?" Beast Boy said quietly.
"Um... Well, I think that you could change into an animal and hear her. Plus that would be an invasion of her privacy." Cyborg said.
Thank you Cyborg! I thought to myself.
"Oh yeah! Could you maybe walk away for this?" Beast Boy said.
"Why?" Asked Cyborg.
"Because sometimes my power does weird things." Said Beast Boy. His face turned semi-red.
Then I thought of a brilliant prank. I watched him as he turned into a bat. Then I pumped up music on my I phone loudly then put it in front of the door.
"Eeek!" He screamed as he suddenly changed into a human form again. His clothes were covered in fur and slightly torn.
"Oh! I am sorry!" I said as I opened my door.
"Oh, it's alright. I get put in this sorta situation a lot." He said.
"But don't you think that was sorta funny?" I asked.
"Yeah, I have to admit that." He said.
"Why were you trying to listen in?" I asked.
"I thought I heard something while I was passing by."
"Oh! I had a squeaky place in my room that I had to fix." I said.
"That makes more sense."
After that he left me. I paced around my room then I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
"Hey, so could you maybe help me open my door?" Beast Boy asked.
"Sure." I replied. Then I walked next door to his room's door. Then I used my powers to carefully open the door.
"Wow! That's cool!" He said.
"Thanks." I said as I walked off.

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