Song (bb, rae)

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I walked around my room trying to put this whole puzzle together. It seemed like I had five pieces out of a fifty piece puzzle and I had no idea what I was trying to make. Suddenly a flying piece of paper folded like a songbird flew into my room. It landed and un folded itself. I reached to grab it.

I pondered on what it all meant. I began to hum the tune to the song, my song.
I looked to the screen when I heard it, Raven's beautiful voice. She was only humming, but I could place the words. She always sang that beautiful song. I looked at all the screens and at everyone in the team. I then realized something that could change us all. I took control over my clone and forced it to tell me where I am. It gave me a direct map with a highlighted route that I should take. I decided to take a pic with my back up phone and begin packing.

Hours later I realized that I could text everyone. I hastily texted Rae Rae and Starfall that Robin, Cy, and I were still locked up but we had clones replacing us. I then ran out the room with my bag. I had used my excess organic material to hold my stuff. I turned into a small bug and flew out. The bag shrunk with me and became a small pouch on me. I flew quickly out.

After hours of flying I landed in a small park three miles from the Titan Tower. I became myself again and changed myself to look like a normal human. I had mastered already how to change my skin color and hair color too. It is amazing what you can learn when your mom is a shape shifting martian.

After a little food and rest I got up and changed into a songbird. I continued with my flying. I soared across the sky. The clouds dampening my face and feathers. I got lost in the greatness of flying and almost missed the tower. I flew in to tell Rae and Star what I learned, but when I came in I was surprised.

Sorry 'bout the short chapter. I had to update this. I hope you like. Please comment, I will respond. And I tried to make the wait worthwhile. Stay weird my crazy friends!

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