Date? (Beast Boy/ Raven)

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"Hey, so I wanted to ask you some stuff." I said as I felt my green face turn red.
"Me too." Raven said.
"Oh, you can start." I replied quickly.
"I know you like me and well," she began.
"You like me and you wanna go on a date." I finished.
"Yes, thanks. I am not good with this sorta thing. I am good with books and other things like that, just not emotion." She said.
"Just like your mother." I said.
"Ok, when should the date be?"
"Um, maybe mid-day tomorrow? I can walk over and we can go someplace." I suggested.
"That sounds easy enough." She said.
"K, be ready by about 10."
I was stoked for the next day. My first date. I wished I could tell Robin but he was off impressing Starfall. I think that they like eachother, but neither had good role models for flirting. I mean, Nightwing's flirting was more like
"I like how you shoot lasers." And that is no good. Oh, Starfire was on a different planet and may not know what flirting is. They have it hard.
This will be a hopefully good night.

First date ever. Are there rules? Is there certain things to do? Are we gonna ruin the team if we split and can't talk to eachother? I worried to myself.
"Hey Rae!" Cyborg said.
"Trying to meditate, please leave." I lied.
"Oh, ok sorry." She said as she walked out.
I decided maybe meditation would help me release my worries. I turned out all my lights and lit the candle remains. I slipped into meditation easily. Before I knew it it was the next mourning. The sky was filled with beautiful warm colors. I decided to dress up. I put on a black hoody dress and knee high black boots. I had silver fingerless gloves and a small silver belt. It was almost time for the date. Then I heard the knock on my door. I quickly flew over and opened the door.
"Hi!" Beast Boy said.
"Hi." I said back plainly.
"I brought a present for you. I don't really know what rules there are for a first date. Plus, you can't always trust the internet."
"Oh, thanks." I said slowly.
I opened the box and saw a silver wolf on a silver chain. It was beautiful.
"Thank you! It is very beautiful." I said, no emotion showed.
"Your welcome?" He said.
"Sorry, I don't really show much emotion. Especially after meditating."
"Oh, ok thanks for the info." He said.
We walked off. He took me to a movie. Then after the movie we went to a restaurant. The food was amazing, nothing like what we eat at home.
"Ok, so you are saying you don't really know your mom? That doesn't make any sense." I said.
"After I was born, before my memory developed she left me. I have been with my dad my whole life." He explained.
"Well, that seems semi mean." I said.
"Who is your father?" He asked.
"Oh, just some other half demon dude." I said.
"Do you like him?"
"Not much, he seems a little over protective. Plus he almost killed me to keep Mom with him." I stated plainly.
"Harsh life, harsh life." He said.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Here is your receipt sir." The waiter said.
Beast Boy took one glance and sighed.
"Well, I think we may have bought a hundred limos each with their own driver if we had this kind of money." He said.
I took a look at the receipt and was stunned now I know why the food was incredible, it costs so much.
"Here, i have the money." I said. He gave me a very grateful look.
"I have, 1 2 3 4, $4.50." He said with a cheesy smile. "I spent pretty much all my money on that necklace."
"Ok, here is the one hundred seventy-five dollars." I said.
We put our money in the dish and ate our mints. We just sat there waiting for the waiter to come back, then we realized that he took a break. We walked all the way home.

At the tower.
"So, how do you think the date went?" Beast Boy asked.
"I have no clue, this was my first date ever." I replied.
"So, I think I read somewhere that you have to have a goodbye kiss. Do you want to do that?" I asked nervously.
"Sure, if it is what the rules are." She said plainly.
"Ok." I said before I slowly leaned in an started to kiss. I felt her surprised then respond back. After a little while we separated and walked our separate ways.
I went back to the place we kissed. I looked around and found what I dreaded, nothing broke. That wasn't the first time I wasn't concealing my emotions, but this time that may mean I am not really that much of a demon than people may think. My power fades, I can't control when my powers come and go. I could mess up this prophecy. I walked back to my room and sat on my bed. I wished I could be of some actual help to the team. I dealt with what I had. Suddenly a paper airplane shot through my window. On the top it said, to the next generation Raven. I opened it up and looked inside. It said.

I know many secrets of yours Raven, but this paper will help you fix a secret you have. This paper, when torn, will release a chemical that can make you a true half demon. The paper's effects will be perminate, and if you wish to be a full demon just tear it once more. Please use wisely for it is my only working one yet.
Scary nightmares,
J. S. R.

J. S. R., I knew it from somewhere but I couldn't place it. I took the paper and gently put it on my dresser. The next morning I awoke refreshed. I opened my drawer door and something fell in, I tried pulling it out but it was caught in something. The paper tore in half as I got it out. I couldn't find the other half in the mess. So I just got dressed an began to walk away. Suddenly my phone went off. I saw a group chat text and it said,

Anonymous: Hi, ok so you have to go to school! Good luck. Also, no superhero costumes, just plain normal clothes please. Bye.
Beast Boy: ok, mildew.
Unknown number 1: mildew?
Unknown number 2: was it of the terrible auto correct?
Unknown number 3: yeah, i hate the auto correction, it is never the word I want.
Me: k

With that we were done. I got dressed in a pair of dark jeans, a nice black sweater and a purple jacket that was thin.

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