How Could This Happen (Beast Boy)

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I walked into my room as Raven went into her own. She looked like the descriptions I got of her mother. Dad wasn't really as happy as he may look. He missed his Raven, but she is gone now. Raven looked so pretty with her dark hair framing her face, the long dark hood shading her white skin. She never levitated from what I have seen. I wondered as to why.
"Hey Beasty!" Starfall said.
"Hi." I said back to her.
"Well, how ya liking your rooms?" She asked.
"I love it! Green is my favorite color." I replied.
"Cool! My room is very colorful, it isn't that bad." She said.
"Wow! Your english is really good, how did you manage that?" I asked.
"I practiced with my mom." She said.
"Cool." I said as she walked away.
Suddenly someone ran into the hall calling Raven.
"I have urgent news for Raven." The man said.
"I can pass it on to her." I said.
"Ok, her mother just had a stroke."
"Woah, that's hard. I will go and tell her." I said. I barged into her room an said, "Your mother just died of a heart attack."
"It was a stroke, and she didn't die yet." She said. Then a ringer went off on her phone. It was the hospital.
"Yes, uh hu, m hm, ok, bye." She said.
"So," I said.
"She just died." Raven said plainly. She showed no emotion, other than a few tears that fell.
"I am so sorry for your loss." I said as I began to turn into a cat.
"You know something," she began as I nodded my head, "I am more of a cat person."
"I have no preference. Sense I am all animals." I told her.
We just stayed like that for hours. Then we fell asleep.

"Mornin' sunshine!" Robin said. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
I was back to being human, but my clothes were off and on the place where I turned into a cat. I looked around frantically for Rae. She was still curled up on her bed and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Never do that again." I said to Robin quietly.
"Ok." He said sadly.
We walked out of Rae's room and went into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge for something to eat and I settled with frozen toaster waffles. One by one the rest of the team came in.
"Eh hem!" Robin said.
"Oh! Thanks." I whispered to him. My clothes were still in Raven's room. I changed to a cheetah and ran to find some clothes in my messy room. As I walked back I heard Raven in her room singing. She had a very hypnotic beautiful voice. She sang:

"I'm wide awake,
Drawing close stirred by grace
And all my heart is yours
All fear removed
I breath you in, I lean into your love
Oh your love
Here in you
I find shelter
Captivated by the splendor of your love, so beautiful"

Then she repeated that whole thing, it was beautiful. Her hypnotizing voice put me in a trance. I just stood there listening. Then Starfall passed by me.
"Hey! What are you doing?" She asked.
I just said gibberish back.
"What was that again?"
I said more nonsense.
"I'm giving up now." She said.
"K." I mumbled back.
Suddenly Raven's door slid open and she saw me.
"Uh... I was passing by and herd a beautiful song playing." I lied.
"Oh, so if you hear a good song you stalk someone? Is that some sort of animal gene thing?" She said angrily.
With that Starfall walked off.
"Sorry, I didn't-"
"You didn't mean to, but you did!" She finished for me.
"Come on, let's eat some breakfast and maybe you will be less angry." I suggested.
"Ok." She agreed. "As long as waffles are with it." She said.
"Have you tried pancakes?" I asked. 
"No, are they good. They are my favorite breakfast food." I said as we walked to the kitchen. As we walked I wodered, how could I like her even now?

Ok, so I have been itching to do this. This is the part where I, the authlor, says his/her opinion. Ok, so I have no clue what the name of  the song that was sung is. And, I am clueless as to what happened at the end of the original Teen Titans. I am basing this book of my knowledge of about 3 episodes and the internet. Sorry if it stinks. Thanks for reading! Bye!✌️😜 oh and I took a test for which Teen Titans character I am and I got Raven! Bye!✌️😜

The Next Generation )Complete(Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora