Dreaming and Screaming(Raven, Beast Boy)

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Ok, so I am letting you know that this is before the shooting of Starfall. Oh, and this cover or the one with the video?
I leaned into his soft green face and...
I awoke, screaming, loud.  Beast Boy ran in as fast as he could with his cheetah legs.
"Rae, are you alright?" He asked.
"Well... Please don't call me Rae." I said, unsure if I should tell him or not.
"Should I stay here?" He said looking at me with his innocent green eyes.
"Please do." I whispered, not thinking clearly. He walked in and sat on the side of my bed. "Thanks." I muttered quietly.
"Your welcome." He said as he laid down on my covers.
I looked at him and wondered if he had the same dream.
Beast Boy:
I looked at Rae, she seemed so scared for some reason. I curled up to keep myself warm while I keep her safe. She then must've seen me because she let me have some of her covers. I had an odd dream, I was leaning into the pale face and then Raven screamed. I looked into her white face and found comfort and soon fell asleep.
I awoke to the covers being pulled off of me and my green skin coming in contact with the bitterly cold air.
"Three hundred more minutes!" I said trying to find the covers again.
"C'mon, get up!" Raven said.
I slowly pulled my heavy eyelids open and looked up at her. "Can the man of the house get some sleep around here?" I asked jokingly.
"No, because there is no 'Man of the House' here." She said with a sly smirk.
"Ha ha, so funny my head is about to roll off." I said sarcastically. I had never been able to say that work correctly without an odd accent of sorts.
"Get up!" She laughed.
"Ok, sense you laughed so well I guess I will wake up now." I said with a little chuckle at my own joke. I then got up and walked to my room. I stood in front of my window and stared at the sky in my pj's which consist of an old baggy T- shirt from my dad. I turned around to start getting ready then all of a sudden, someone started gagging me.
I looked around for Beast Boy. With no luck I went back to my room. I thought about the other day when we fought the little pink robot. I went to Beast Boys room and let myself in. I saw red once again all over the carpet and a once green body, now scarlet with all the blood. The green was barely visible through the mass. I saw his uniform tattered and torn, still barely clinging to his ling dead body. The face was completely cut off so there was no certainty that this was Beasty, but this was enough for me. I got extremely angry all of a sudden and I could almost feel how bad the tiny demon part of me wanted to be free. I ran to my room quickly. In my room I hastily pulled a package I got several days ago that said to open only when necessary. This was good enough to me. There was a note and a small hand mirror. The note said:

Dearest girl,
We all want to send our love, as you know your mother is not dead. She is in hiding with us. Please take the mirror for meditation. The evil in the prophecy is un certain at the moment, but it turns out that the prophecy your mother found was a small few bits put together. We are finding more information for you. And, NEVER TRUST WHAT YOU SEE.

And that was the end of it. I pulled the mirror up and looked into it. The glass was becoming somewhat foggy. Suddenly a big red claw like hand pulled me in.
Beast Boy:
I awoke to see nothing but black. I felt restraints on my ankles and wrists. I felt around and tried to turn into an animal, any animal. Just my luck, nothing happened. I shook myself around in the chair as I tried to get my bearings of the place I was in.

After what felt like hours my eyes finally adjusted to the dim lights. I saw a weak, thin figure wearing Robin's favorite street clothes.
"Robin? Is that you?" I asked.
"Why are you asking?" Said a weak feeble voice falling out of his mouth.
"Because I am your friend." I said. He turned his head and winced in pain. "What happened to you?" I asked.
"Slade found me escaping and he killed me." He said weakly.
"But aren't you here now?" I asked, questioning all I ever knew about him.
"I am half Immortals." He said.
"Half what now?" I asked.
"Immortals, an alien race whom have twelve lives. Or something like that." He said.
"Ok, so you can escape death 12 times?" I asked.
"Yes, but there is a price. If I use one, I become someone who already walks here so they die when I become them." He said sadly.
"Have you used one yet?" I asked.
"No, I need to though." He said before he screamed in pain.
"Use it." I said. He weakly nodded his head and rose up in a golden orb. His face melted and...

Ok, so I won't update until after winter break. Oh and try my newest book if you are a fan of Raven. It is called Demons. Please take a look. Thx for reading bye!

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