Starfall (Robin)

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After breakfast i was in my room practicing kung-fu. I thought about how everything was different and how it all was changing. I was the son of Nightwing or Robin after all, but how could I be a leader so early on? The more I thought the more I feared.
My father's words came into my head.
"The more you fear, the more you let your opponent win." I heard him say.
"Don't let the little things in life bring you down, you can be more than a powerless superhero.
Why is it always over whelmed or under whelmed? Why can't it just be whelmed?" All those things he has said to me in the past came flooding through my head.
"Hello? Is anyone in here?" Some female voice said.
"Yes, how did you get in?" I asked.
"Oh, your door was left open." She said. Then I saw Starfall. Her red hair shone in the LED lighting in my room.
"Well, please just close it next time Starfall." I said.
"K good to know, good to know." She said.
"How are you liking earth?" I asked.
"Oh, good. It is a lot less pink and sparkly than my mom has described it." She said back.
"How is your english so good?" I asked.
"I practiced on my home planet." She replied plainly.
"Oh." I said. "You wanna see some moves I've been working on?"
"Sure! Sounds, hm, what's the word? Oh yeah! Cool. It sound cool." She said. I showed her my kung-fu moves for hours.

It was really late at night when we realized we had been talking and showing fighting moves all day. She went to her room, looking back at my door as she blushed. I couldn't sleep, not because of fears but because I wanted to know if she liked me back.

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