School (Starfall, Raven, Beast Boy, Robin, Guest Star, Cyborg)

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I looked at my schedule and compared it with the rest of the teams. We had all but one class together. It was electives. Cyborg got robotics, Robin got home ec, Beast Boy and Rae got choir, and I got journalism.

In journalism class.
"Ok, class. I am Mrs. Fudgeworth. Now please find yourselves a seat." A big round lady who looked like the Mrs. Butterworth lady on the syrup bottles. I sat in a seat centered at a spot where I wasn't in the breeze of the cooling systems but close enough I could feel cool still. Not to close to the heater so that I am too hot and not so far as to where I am too cold. The seat also gave me a perfect view of everything. It was a perfect spot. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something, I saw a painting. It was of the original Teen Titans. My mom looked fiercer in the painting than in real life. It also made Beast Boy look tougher and Cyborg look weaker. There were too many problems to list with Nightwing. And Rae always looks like Rae. It looked pretty cool. On that note, I payed attention the rest of the class.
I got into choir and sat down in the middle. I've learned that the front, you will be noticed and asked of lots, and the back is where the teacher keeps a close eye on you. Beast Boy sat down next to me.
"Hey, so you wanna have another date on friday? It is only two days away." He asked.
"Sure." I mouthed silently.
"Ok, class. I am Ms soon to be Mrs. Cliff. I am glad you wanted to be in choir this year. Let's play a game where we go around the room saying our first name and what our favorite place is. Ok sir, you can go first." A thin beautiful teacher said pointing at a small thin short boy. A little while later It came to Beast Boy.
"Ok, I am John Logan and my favorite place is the zoo." Beast Boy said.
"I am Cillia and my favorite place is a library." I said.
At the end of class Beast Boy came over to me and said, "You are named Cillia?" He pronounced it wrong.
"Says Jhon." I said.
"I like your name, your mom had really nice taste in names."
"My dad named me Cillia, my mom wanted Rachel." I said.
"Oh, sorry." He said. "So, on this next date we should maybe do some research on what to do." He said.
"Ok." Rae said.
We walked outside and it was raining. Our next class was in a portable far away so we had quite some time to get drenched. I looked over at Rae and saw her as she put her jacket hood up and pulled it almost completely over her face. She started running towards the portable and beckoned me to follow her. She pulled her hood off and danced in the rain as I joined her. We ran together the rest of the way. At the front of the portable, I looked at a pure look of joy on her face. The rain sparkling in her dark purple hair. I just kissed her without thinking. Suddenly all the glass around us broke. She ran sobbing. Was that wrong? Did I do something to upset her? Was I a really bad kisser so bad to make her cry? I asked to myself. I just sat in the rain waiting for her to come back.
I groaned as I walked into home ec. I thought sewing and cooking was for girls only. I looked around and my eyes fell on a tall, muscular woman who had a frilly pink apron on.
"Good morning! I am your teacher, you shall address me as ma'm or sir. Whatever you prefer." Said the woman.
I was amazed, maybe there is a chance everyone should learn to cook something. I thought.
"Ok class, partners today. Scarlet, you are with Richard-"
"Sorry, I go by Dick." I said.
"Ok then, Scarlet West and Dick Grayson II." After that I stopped listening to her.
West, that rang a bell in my head. Then it hit me, Dad worked in a group called Young Justice. He mentioned a boy named Wally West, or otherwise known as Kid Flash. Wally had fallen in love with someone named Artemis then later left her for someone well known as Jinx. It was a tragic situation. Artemis died several times after to stay hidden. Dad mentioned that Wally had a kid called Scarlet West. I took a look at Scarlet and noticed she had a head of warm colors, it was mainly scarlet with bits of pink and bits of red too. She wore mainly red, scarlet and pink. She resembled much of her mother from what I have seen on WANTED posters. She was just staring in disgust at me. We had a whole year together. I knew this would be a long class.
I freaked when I heard Grayson come after my name. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He was staring at me with utter disgust and surprise. I glared back at him. I was careful to not let deep rooted anger get a hold of me again.
(Third person point of view)
A little girl flickered around in the living room. She was sobbing, the more she sobbed the worse it got. A tall red-haired man appeared on the door frame.
"Scarlet, you can control your new found powers." He said. The little girl looked a him and let go of her sacredness. Glass that shattered, tears in the carpet, fire burning her once pink and red hair, now scarlet hair, all gone like it never happened. The place ended up looking even better than before. She looked up at the man and hugged him, or more of his leg for she was only about four.
End of flashback.
(Resuming Scarlet's point of view)
"Ok, I have some rules for you Dick. Call me Scar, and don't hold eye contact unless given permission to. Always look at me in the face when talking to me, oh and lastly I do what I want. Got that?" I said with an evil sneer.
"No, I object your rules and I have permission to override you. The permission is from the teacher herself." He said. "Got that?" He mimicked.
"Fine. At least call me Scar." I said angrily.
This will be a long class ahead of me.
I ran as I cried, then all of a sudden I bumped into a tall man that resembled Beast Boy, my Beast Boy.
"Hello, I am Garfeild Logan. If you are in my class you can call me Mr. Logan."he said. "I am subbing for Ms Anderson today. Are you going to Written Arts Class?" He asked kindly. I slowly nodded my head. "Wait a minute! You remind me of someone I used to know." He said. Then it hit me. He was the old Beast Boy. I ran back the other way to my class to see if he was my next teacher. I saw Beast Boy and all the glass that broke with the one surge of power. I picked up my schedule and looked. I saw Ms Anderson. I looked over my shoulder slowly and saw a silently sobbing version of Beast Boy.
"I- I- I'm, s- s- s- sorry." I choked out. "P- p- p- pow- w- wer s- sur- surge."
"Thanks for telling me why you ran away crying." He said in a very monotone voice.
"I'm sorry, just let's try that again." I said. This time there was nothing to break and nothing to loose.
I stood in the little under covered area by my next portable. I was shocked to find Raven and Beast Boy kissing. It looked freaky. Rae's hair was flying around in the air, she was emotionless, and small shattered bits of colored glass broke into smaller and smaller pieces. BB had one leg kicked up at a 90 degree angle and looked like he had been crying a lot. It was weird, I liked it. I had always heard about wacky things my mom had seen. Then for a while she had been imprisoned by weird new terrible version of her. It made her seem terrible. (I am making up that the originals from the show were taken captive by the "kid friendly" version of Teen Titans. I am sorry if I offend you.) everyone was taken by the stupid replacements. Luckily she got out of the cage, mostly alive, with the rest of the originals. They weren't out in plain sight like how they were once. The other version may have taken their place, but the originals still live. Beast Boy original was never able to say what he was gonna say, and none will ever know. It was sorta sad, millions left to wonder. I continued to trail off into thoughts. Suddenly I bumped into a tall red haired man whom was sorta green only when I bumped him. It was the original Beast Boy!
"Eek! Uh..." I said.
"Hi, your teacher is out absent today so I am taking her place for now." He said.
"Uh... K?" I said slowly. I was shocked in awe. Then I remembered Rae and the Beast Boy of whom I know. I looked at them, they separated but couldn't seem to stop looking at our sub.
"Hello Rav- Rach- Cilia." He said somewhat stuttering. I could tell where he was coming from, she looked exactly like her mother just a little different. I also knew he and the original Raven dated and it was probably hard for he couldn't have her. So I heard he settled for Miss Martian, better known as Megan Logan now. He liked her and even though they had the same blood for she was a blood donor for him when he was going to die, they were a perfect pair. Somewhat. He just settled but she fell in love.
Class was slow and boring for the next period, other than Mr. Logan A. K. A. Beast Boy original. He did flicker to his true green self if he was touched or bumped, but that seemed to be a minor problem compared to his drooling over my Raven. I just sat there, the little matchmaker I have always been.
"Hey, so your what?" Cyborg (the first one) asked.
"I am pregnant! I found out this morning." Bee said.
"Oh, that's a lot to get in one sentence." He said.
"Yes, that is a lot to handle and get used to but," she said.
"I know."
"Ok, please come see me again. I miss you."
"Ok, I am flying over now."
"Please don't use your powers. I don't want her to get in trouble."
"It's a girl?"
"Ok, guess we can't cancel our wedding after all." Cyborg said with a sigh.
"I guess not." Bee said happily.
"AH!" Bee screamed.
"Waaaaa!" Her baby cried.
"Aw, she looks so cute!" Cyborg said with a smile.
"What are you two calling her?" The Doctor asked.
"I think we agreed on Lilly." Bee said.
"I thought it was Ginger?" Cyborg said.
"Oh yeah! Ginger!" Bee said.
"Ok, just write her whole name on this line and you can sign here." The doctor instructed.
"Ok." Bee said.
"Hm, now that I think about it. I think Ginger here is our little matchmaker for if she wasn't found about any later we wouldn't be as happy as we are now. Nor would we still be together today."
Cyborg said.
"Our little matchmaker." Bee said agreeing.
I have always spent my whole life living up to that name. That's why I was trying to get my favorite RobStar ship. Everyone thought it would happen between the two, but turns out that when they spent several years together trying to get out of a dungeon it tore them apart. They got agitaited and Robin had acted too much like a workaholic while Starfire had always been a shopaholic. They were a cute couple but they were to different. If Starfire could've stayed, maybe things would be different. I had to make the most beloved ship happen. Maybe It could work this time.
I looked at my mother with concerned eyes.
"I'm sorry, I am required to do this. There is No way to change my contract." Mommy said.
"Please, don't do this! Dad will have to turn you in if he see 's you. I don't want to be like Auntie Artemis, my mom in jail and my dad always gone. Please stay." I begged.
"Unless there is another person to take my legendary place, I can't back out of this." My mom Jinx said. Then it hit me.
"I can take your place." I said, looking straight into her big curious eyes.
"But-" she began.
"You are crippled," I began pointing towards her robotic leg. Long ago they had found cancer in her thigh and all they could really do was chop her leg off. "And I have powers I can control."
"Fine, just don't die for me." She said looking at me with concern.
"Where is it again?" I asked so I could flicker over.
"Shell Road, building 103, don't forget your special suit." Mommy said.
"I remember." I sighed.
I flickered over into my wall room where only I could go for it was in a wall. I zipped my suit up in a flash. It looked pink and red in a very flickering pattern. Who says I can't be a bit of a nerd along with the new villain duty. I flickered over to the target. I broke the glass with a wipe of my hand.
I saw the camera and said into it, "I am here to tell you, I am Flix and I am not afraid of you titans. By the way Robin, tell Dick he's really nicely living up to his name." I kissed the camera and it broke along with the others. I ran in and took the rare pink diamond and along with the blood gem. I was careful to flicker out before the silent alarms were heard. I was in a dark underground area, there were many cool mechanical things. I looked around an found two seats, one had a dead figure of the famous evil Slade. Next to the dead corpse was another Slade like person. The mini Slade had the same mask but was mainly brass. I looked and saw a hole in the back of him about the size of the blood gem I was required to grab. I hid the pink diamond. I stuck the red gem in his hole and the mini Slade was alive.
"I need body." The mini Slade said.
"Yes sir." I said. Suddenly the Slade corpse came alive.
"Ah, hello! You must be Jinx, or maybe girl kid flash. Well, whomever you are, don't bother with my project. He is a, test." He said as he spat out the last word.
"I am called Flix, like if you gave my mom and dad a ship name." I said calmly.
"I like how you act fearless. I know secrets of the eyes, you truly are scared mainly for your parent's saftey. That may be a major flaw, but it can be fixed." Slade said.
"How are you alive still after so long?" I asked.
"Curious little girl are you? To answer your question, I suffered from almost dying and so then I preserved myself in a sleep that will only go away with Sir and the presence of the Blood gem and the pink diamond. Yes, I know." Slade said as I was shocked by how he knew.
"But, how?"
"Eyes babe." He said clearly hitting on me.
"And you must be 80 now? 'Cause you may be too old to hit on me. I am seriously flattered, but I am only 15 and 65 years seem like too many years apart. Thanks for the offer." I said clearly stating that I wasn't at all interested.
"You don't know what you have just done dear. I could protect your parent's for you, but I guess you would rather them die." Slade said with a smile.
"How could you be such a waste of scrap metal and brains, well you did do shotty work with the building anyways so no wonder." I sneered.
"Fine, have it your way." He said as he dismissed me.
I goaned before I flickered away trying to show my clear dislike of this man. He seemed different.
I looked at where the stupid girl disappeared. She was so stupid to not notice I was a little different from the old Slade. Stupid stupid cute girl. I thought to myself. I was Slade's son. Slade killed himself looking for the old version of the Titans. My mission since birth was to kill the Titans. I wouldn't let them slip from my fingers this time. I was Slade Jr. I looked around at the dungeon, all I could think about was Flix. She was amazing. I really liked her. I couldn't believe it but I had a crush. A villain has a crush on a halfling.

Hi! So, Suprise! Two evils! Halfling is a mix of parents, like a villain with a hero. Opposites attract. Please comment. Sorry about the weird chapter length thing, I am trying to make the chapters longer. Plus I feel the auto correct pain like the rest of 'em who have troubles. I am still searching for the song I put in earlier on in the book. If you Don't want to know what It Is please comment your opinion. Thanks! ;) nevermind_thenRaceToFindMeproxywannabe7

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