Expectations (Starfall)

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Ever sense yesterday I have just been extra bubbly, almost like my mom. Robin was quite interesting.
"You up?" Cyborg said.
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I replied truthfully.
"So, I may be a robot but I know who to ship." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I think you and Robin should be in a relationship." She said.
"You should be boyfriend and girlfriend." She said.
"Oh! Thanks!" I said.
"Well, I gotta go now." She said.
"Ok, bye." I said.
"Hey Starfall!" Robin said as he walked into my room.
"Hey! How'd you sleep last night?" I asked.
"Not that well." He replied.
"Same." I said.
"I was sorta, thinking about-"
"I have a letter for ya Starfall, it's from your mom!" Beast Boy interrupted.
"Thanks." I said sarcastically.
"Your welcome! Glad to be of service." He said.
"Shoo." I said. Then Beast Boy was off.
I read the letter.

Dear Star,
I know you have a ton resting on your shoulders, but I need you to also live up to any expectations I may have left. I hope you can do a good job like me. I love you!

The whole page was covered with little faces and the paper was pink and sparkly.
"So what were you about to say?" I asked to Robin.
"Oh, yeah. Never mind that, let's just try to be great superheroes who are incapable of bad. Somewhat. I mean, they may look like it but they may have turned or done something for someone else." He said.
I just smiled and felt my cheeks burning up as I looked him straight in the face. He was blushing. We just quietly walked to the living room together. All was good.
The tower was just unusually quiet. From all the stories we have heard, the tower has never reached silence. The main noise from the stories were fights and Beast Boy playing his music. I started to worry as to what may have happened.

Sorry this is short like a few others. Thanks for reading! Bye! ✌😜

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