Different Sense: 06

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Gandalf sat pondering for a moment. Lothiriel rode beside him dearly hoping that he was rethinking this and that he would change his mind. “I am sorry, Lothiriel. But I need to know if your father is still alive and if he knows anything of what is happening in the East.” Gandalf looked at her. “If you know of anyone else who is likely to know, then please lead the way.” There was no response from the figure beside him. Gandalf softened his tone, “I think it may do you good to know. Lothiriel, you must understand, if there was another choice, I would take it.”

She seemed to understand. She said nothing else and decided to ride on ahead, she left the conversation where it was. The knowledge though of knowing that she would be back home in the next few days was weighing heavily on her mind. Regardless she tucked this piece of information away deep inside her mind, where she hoped to forget about it.

The day didn't progress any better. The early morning sun had quickly turned for the worst. Thick heavy rain clouds hung in the sky which was growing darker by the second.

Lothiriel could sense when the weather was to change, she'd lived in the forests long enough to know when it'd rain and when it'd be sunny. The rain drops pierced her skin and made it tingle, cold tracks from the rain drops trickled down her arms. Despite wearing her cloak the rain still found a way in to chill her bones. The rest of the journey continued like this until a little broken house made out of dark grey stone appeared.

They all halted at it and looked it over. There was something about it though which didn't make Lothiriel feel safe. It seemed that she wasn't the only one who felt something off about this place. Looking over at Gandalf as he and Thorin spoke quietly, or they started talking quietly only their tones raised quite quickly. They were talking away from the group, both Bilbo and Lothiriel exchanged a look though when Gandalf left in a humph.

The two turned to Bofur, “Will he come back?” Bilbo asked hesitantly.

“He does as he pleases, he is a wizard after all.” Bofur gave them both a cheeky smile and continued to stir the pot in front of him.

Bilbo and Lothiriel looked at each other again but this time with an unsure look. Neither of them looked very sure whether Gandalf would return or not, Lothiriel exhaled heavily.

A few hours passed before food was ready. By this time it was dark and Bofur had given Bilbo the task of taking food to Fili and Kili, the two of them were keeping watch on the ponies. Bilbo held onto the bowls of food and looked rather unsure, again.

Giving a smile Lothiriel abandoned her food and jumped up and strolled quickly over to Bilbo. Peeking up at his face she smiled, he flinched. He hadn't heard her approach, “Do you want company?” She whispered, Bilbo smiled and gave a swift nod. “Come,” Lothiriel started to walk forwards, Bilbo shuffled after her.

“We come bearing gifts for you two.” Lothiriel announced when she had entered the clearing where the two dwarves stood. Frowning when there was no answer she looked to Bilbo for some sort of guidance.

He gave a shrug. “I have food.” There was still no answer.

“What are you two staring at?” Lothiriel stepped forward and pulled Bilbo with her. “What's wrong?” She poked Kili on the shoulder.

“Well,” Kili started. “We had sixteen ponies, and now we only have fourteen.”

“You lost two ponies?” Bilbo asked slowly.

“But you were watching them, how did you lose them?” Lothiriel asked interestedly.

Before either dwarf could answer, it was Fili who pointed suddenly to a clearing between the thick bushes. “What's that?!” The four of them slowly crept up to the foliage and peeked through. Three monstrous trolls sat brewing a stew around a fire, the lost ponies were tied to what was left of a paddock.

Lothiriel let out a whimper and raised a finger. “T-that's a troll? I mean...that's the size of one?”

Kili found what she said to be quite comical. He turned and grinned at her. “Never seen a troll before, have you?”

“Obviously I’ve not.” Lothiriel stated, Bilbo stood beside her opening and shutting his mouth in awe.

“How did you not notice them?” Bilbo asked eventually.

“They're like mountains.” Lothiriel's eyes widened again as she stared up at them.

Fili and Kili exchanged a look before both shrugging. Lothiriel let out a chuckle none the less, which caused them to join in with the laughter too.

Nudging Bilbo on the arm she nodded to Kili and Fili. “Here's your food.”

“Go get help, please.” Lothiriel smiled and pulled Bilbo unwillingly along with her. He exclaimed quietly and waved his arms around. “Listen, Bilbo. We are small and we are stealthy, we are also very quiet. We can get these ponies back.” She gave a wink.

Bilbo on the other hand was rather reserved. “Erm, well...I mean, do we have to?” He looked over his shoulder and pointed back to the camp. “Can we not just wait-” his sentence got cut off by Lothiriel pulling him silently down to the clearing.

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