Different Sense: 29

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It didn't take long for Lothiriel to become extremely bored. As much as being trapped in the cell with a seething dwarf was as good a company as humanly possible right now, her own company was not nearly as good. 

It was very lonely, sitting in the dark by herself checking her nails. Being on her own allowed sudden exhaustion to sweep over her. Lothiriel, although extremely tired, refused to go to sleep. Least of all against the floor of the cell. The mere thought of that made her shudder, and from the involuntary shudder, she had woken herself up again.

Rubbing a hand down her face she jolted and looked at her hand. She had not registered the fact that she was silently crying. Trauma, exhaustion and perhaps realisation had finally kicked in. Sniffing quietly she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Slowly she buried her head in her arms.

She was so tired of this, she wanted nothing more than to be free and run in the warmth of the sun, she wanted a home, she wanted to sleep and dream which wasn't plagued by nightmares. Lothiriel wanted many things indeed.

“Lothiriel?” A voice sounded, she looked up when she heard her name. Wiping her eyes she looked at the empty corridor which led off from the cell. “Lothiriel, it's me Bilbo.” As if by magic he appeared mere inches from the bars. He tucked something away in his pocket and looked in at her.

“Are you all right?” He asked quietly yet concerned.

She nodded slowly. Inhaling deeply she exhaled, standing up she walked over. “Please tell me you have a plan."

“I do,” Bilbo gave a triumphant grin. “But,” his expression turned sour. “Thorin is not going to like it. But it's a plan none the less.”

Lothiriel smiled lightly. “Bilbo, I am sure no one will like it. But let’s not worry about that. Perhaps we shall worry about their opinions once you have actually told us the plan.”

“Oh, I’ve already told them.” Bilbo said so frankly that Lothiriel had to double take.

“Right, and?”

“You were right.” Bilbo shrugged with a smile, Lothiriel shook her head and leant against the bars.

“I am glad to see you are here, and well, Bilbo.” Lothiriel reached through the bars and managed to pat him on the shoulder.


Creeping back up the stairs, Bilbo clutched onto the keys. He had nimbly snatched them from the belt of one of the cell guards. It was an action which caused him to smile proudly to himself as the keys tinkered in his pocket.

Running down the stairs and coming to the first lot of cells he unlocked the doors thus setting free Bifur and Ori. They shuffled out slowly and hesitantly before they went to the next cell to release Oin and Gloin. This action repeated several times before everyone was free, except for two.

Bilbo quickly told them all to follow him to the river bank, as they all carefully went he quietly explained his plan. He repeated his plan again once they reached their destination just to make sure everyone was clear on it.

Once he was happy that everyone knew what was going on he carefully returned back to get Lothiriel. Bilbo couldn't free her without Thorin, it would look extremely suspicious if he returned to an empty cell. That and Bilbo was rather sure the elves would pick up on the possible escape, hunt the dwarves back down, and then everything would get all the more worse.

“Thorin has not returned?”

Lothiriel gestured to the empty cell and shook her head. She looked at Bilbo as he gave a slow shrug. It was a very silly question to ask, especially considering he could see she was alone in the small space.

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