Sniper x Medic

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Requested by insaneaquarius22
Danke, mate for the request!

Sniper was napping in the waiting room, waiting for his turn in the Medical Room for his examination. He was a little excited, since he's had a crush on the doc for a while now. Ever since he was saved by him from the enemy Heavy, he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. A small bell went off and Sniper woke up and looked up to see who came out. It was Scout. Sniper had ticket number four while  Scout had ticket number 3 for coming in.Sniper sighed and got up, adjusting his long,brown hat and stepped inside.

"Ah! Hallo, Herr Sniper!" Medic said when he saw him enter. He was cleaning up some of his tools that he had lined up on a rack. His hands were a bloody mess and his glasses just a little crooked.

"G'day, doc," Sniper greeted back, tipping his hat, mostly to hide the small blush that appeared on his face.

"Just sit on zhe table, vill you? I vill be vith you in ein moment." Sniper did as he was told and waited on the table. He tried his best to not look at the doc directly in the eyes, otherwise he would of became as red as the blood on the doc's hands. When he finished, Medic looked back at Sniper with a kind, but insane, smile.

"Are you ready for your examination?" He asked. Sniper nodded. "Gut!" He took out an X-Ray and began to examine Sniper's bones. "Hm...every zhing looks good so far..."

"Really? Cause I bloody feel awful," Sniper muttered. Medic threw away the X-Ray and began to get out stethoscope. He then lifted Sniper's shirt a tad bit and shot his arm up Sniper's shirt, which caught his patient off guard. He began to blush madly once again and his heart raced. Medic noticed this and looked up at the assassin. Sniper knew that he could see the red spots on his face. Medic smirked and pulled away the stethoscope. He then put it back before turning to  Sniper.

Oh crap, Sniper thought. He saw... Medic began to pull off his coat, which surprised Sniper. "Wh-What are ya doin', doc?!" Medic ignored him and began to take off his shirt. Sniper was honestly confused, but also a little aroused. Medic saw this as well and smiled.

"Do you feel better now?" Medic asked. Sniper slightly nodded. Medic chuckled and walked closer to Sniper. "Vell zhen, let's go practice medicine, shall ve?"
(A/N: Let your imagination run wild >:)

A message from future me: Oh my God...What went through my mind last year??!?)

Translation: Hallo = German for Hello
Gut (pronounced goot not gut) = German for Good

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