Tf2 x Child!Reader Part 3

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Spy walked down the empty hallways with a cigarette in his hand. He put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a lighter. I don't understand, he thought. We looked everywhere for her, but we never even got a single trace of her presence...

Suddenly, Spy was shoved to the side by Medic, who was racing towards his lab at the end of the hallway. "Doctor?" Spy walked to Medic's lab and opened the door. Inside, he found Medic frantically searching through files for something. "Doctor? What's wrong?" he asked. Medic continued looking through files until he found a folder labeled "OLD BASES". He opened the folder and began to search through several documents and photographs.

"I...I saw (Y/N)!" He effused. "Zhey still have her! She hasn't been hurt yet, but, but, I'm not sure right now. She saw me; she looked confused. She looked scared! Ve-ve..." Spy walked over to Medic and put his hand on top of the document Medic was looking at.

"Slow down, Medic. Tell me everything that happened." Medic took a deep breath and moved Spy's hand.

"Zhe (RED/BLU)s...zhey had captured me and tortured me into making a deal with zhem...We give them the intelligence and zhey'll give us (Y/N)."

"That's okay, though, right? They'll give us (Y/N) back. We'll just take everything out of the briefcase and give them that -"

"I doubt ve're doing zhe trade now, though." Medic sighed. "Zhey told me zhey would give me zhe trade information after zhey were done vith me but...(Y/N) valked in on them and saw me sitting in zhe chair zhey had me tied to, all covered in blood and several vounds. I tried telling her to run...but...zhey killed me..." Medic felt himself trembling and quickly stopped himself. "I don't zhink she's need to find her now!" Spy looked down at the documents and pulled out some of the photographs. "Ve weren't in any base zat ve must be an old one. Somewhere zhey vould never think we'd look. I got a good look of the room I was in, so maybe zat'll help me find her." Spy nodded and handed Medic a photograph.

"Does this look like it, by any chance?" he asked. Medic looked down at the photograph and examined it carefully. His eyes widened when he saw the photographs.

"Yes! Yes, zis is it!" Medic looked at Spy with a smile on his face. "Vhere did you find this?"

"It was under the base 'Verborgen'," he answered. Medic quickly ran through the folder until he came across the abandoned base.

"Verborgen was a 'King of the Hill' base that the mercenaries before us fought for," Medic summarized. "The last team to take it before it was abandoned was the (RED/BLU)s. Spy, this is it!" Medic put on his spare lab coat and put on his gloves. "Come on, mein Freund, let's go get a group together..."

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

(Y/N) ran to her room and slammed the door behind her. She felt her tears returning and she quickly wiped them away. (Y/N) walked over to her bed and sat down next to it. She grabbed her book bag and began to open it. As she looked through her bag, (Y/N) heard familiar words swarm her thoughts.

"I hope you have a wonderful day today, mon chaton!"

"We're going to have a great Smissmas Break, (Y/N). All ten of us..."

"Good night, Uncle!"

"(Y/N)! Run! Now! Get away from here!" He screamed. "Run! Schnell, Schatz, schnell! G-"

Her thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking at her door. The door opened and the (RED/BLU) Pyro looked inside. He saw (Y/N) and waved at her. Hesitantly, she waved back. The Pyro walked inside and closed the door behind him. He sat next to (Y/N), who tried to sit as far away from the pyromaniac as possible. "Yes, Un- Mr.Pyro?" she asked. The strange man looked down at (Y/N) and noticed she held a small paper in her hand. He gently took the paper away from her and examined it. (Y/N) opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. The (RED/BLU) Pyro turned the paper around and showed it to her. It was a drawing of her uncles that she had made a week ago. She was going to show it to them, but she had decided to wait for Smissmas to give it to them, but now... The (RED/BLU) Pyro took out his lighter and flicked it on and off only a few inches away from the picture.

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