Spy x Reader {2} Part 2

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(H/T) - Hometown

It was the next morning and (D/N) got up from her bed, excited. Today was going to be the day she would show her parents her surprise! She quickly changed then took the completed drawing from her drawer and ran into the living room. At this time, her father would be in the living room talking with her mother or outside smoking a cigarette. (D/N) ran into the living room to find no one in there. Papa must be outside then... She thought. (D/N) opened the front door and looked outside. No one was there. Confused, she stepped outside and began to look around the yard. Were her parents playing hide and seek with her? (D/N) looked everywhere but she couldn't find them. Maybe they're still sleeping? She was walked back inside, closing the door behind her when she heard her mother scream from (D/N)'s bedroom. Startled, (D/N) ran into her room to find you desperately searching everywhere for her.

"Please! My God, please! Don't tell me he took her away!" Her mother screamed. (D/N) watched from the doorway, confused.


Your head quickly turned to her and a smile of relief crossed your face. You ran to her as fast as you could, nearly tripping over scattered toys on the ground. (D/N) was quickly snatched up in a tight embrace, something she knew she couldn't escape from. "Don't scare me like that again!" You told her, putting her down. (D/N) nodded, confused. "Anyway...(D/N), ma petite, I need you to start...to start packing all of your belongings." This greatly confused your daughter.

"Why, Mama?" She asked.

"We're moving," you answered, crouching down to her level.

"To where, Mama?" (D/N) asked.

"To (h/t), (D/N),"You answered again, picking up some toys from the ground. You handed them to her.

"Is Papa coming?" She asked. You froze. "Mama?" You wiped away the tears that were forming in your eyes.

"N...no, ma petite, he's not." (D/N) stared at you, surprised. She hid the drawing behind her back. She had wanted to show both her parents it at the same time... "Why not, Mama? Are you mad at him?" You looked at her, surprised.

"W-why would you think that?! He...he's just busy with work...that's all...he has to stay to work..."

"I heard yelling last night...I was too sleepy to understand it though..." You froze again. She...heard you two... You stood up and walked to the door.

"(D/N), please, just start packing..." You exited the room, leaving (D/N) by herself. The six year old stared at the door then at her drawing. It was of her family in Teufort.

"Mama's mad at Papa..." She muttered. "...and Papa could be mad at Mama..."

Spy sat up in his chair and looked around at his surroundings. For a moment, he forgot where he was until he saw Sniper sleeping on his bed in the camper van. Oh right...I slept here for the night...Spy thought in slight disgust. He sighed and stood up, trying his best to not make any sounds that would wake the Australian behind him. Spy looked down at his watch. It was 9:00 a.m. (D/N) would be awake at this time...I wonder if she knows... His heart ached thinking about her. He never got the chance to say goodbye to her. He could only stare at her from her doorway, watching her sleep, knowing that they may never meet again. He couldn't even bring himself to wake her up. Spy stepped outside, his disguise kit in hand. He sat down on the edge, took out a cigarette and lit it, hoping to take some of the stress away. He couldn't have this tragedy affect him on the battlefield and work was just thirty minutes away. Spy heard the door behind him open and he turned to see Sniper, dressed in his daily clothes. Sniper sat beside him.

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