Sniper x Reader {3}

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Requested by Donatello_lover-400! Idea by ceepcalmandeat! Thanks, mates!

    The sound of a lone motorcycle echoed throughout the barren desert, alerting any creatures lurking. The rider drove across the cool desert, ignoring anything in her path. The only thing that had her focus was getting to the hidden base.

Suddenly, the driver took a sharp left turn and drove straight towards several rocks and plants. A hidden ramp made the person slightly jump in the air and straight into the rocks. However, instead of slamming into solid rock, the person pushed back fabric and soon found themselves inside an area with several buildings surrounding them. The motorcycle parked in front of a building and the driver stepped off with  a suitcase in her hand. Then, she walked over to the door and opened it.

Inside of the building waited nine men and one women. They smiled when they saw the driver, who took off her helmet as she walked in. "Welcome, Miss Pauling. We've been waiting for an hour," the man in a red mask said in a sarcastic tone. Miss Pauling nodded and placed the suitcase on the table.

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Spy. Anyway guys, we've got another contract for ya. This time we got a two person mission." She took out an envelope and placed it on a poker table in front of the people. "It's for Sniper and (Y/N)." She pushed the envelope closer to those two, who happened to be standing beside each other. Sniper picked up the envelope and opened it; (Y/N) watched curiously from behind his shoulder.

After quickly reading over the information placed inside of it, Sniper asked, "So we leave for this in two days?" Miss Pauling nodded.

"Yeah, the Administrator doesn't want you to leave right away you'll have to wait until Thursday morning to leave. That'll be okay, right?" Sniper nodded and handed the note to (Y/N), who read it over as well. The mission was to assassinate the CEO of Gapple Co., a big rival of Mann Co. Sniper was to be the one who would pull the trigger while (Y/N) had to drive the escape vehicle. "What about you, (Y/N)? Will that be okay?" She looked up and let out a nervous smile.

"Yeah, it's fine." Miss Pauling nodded and continued to talk to the other mercenaries about their missions. Sniper glanced at (Y/N) and frowned.

"Oi, Shiela, you alright?" He whispered to her, not taking his eyes off of Miss Pauling. (Y/N) looked at him and smiled.

"Hehe...yeah...there's just one problem," she whispered.

"Okay, and what would that be?" (Y/N) looked back at the paper, then at Sniper.

"I kind of can't drive..." she answered in a wobbly voice. Sniper glanced back at her, surprised.

"Are you serious, mate?" (Y/N) nodded. "How the hell have you gotten through all these years without learnin how to-"

"Sniper?" Miss Pauling interrupted. "Is something wrong?" Everyone looked up from her and averted their eyes to Sniper.

"Oh, no ma'am. Just talkin' to myself. That's all." Miss Pauling nodded.

"Alright. Just try not to talk so loud, okay?" Sniper nodded, his face burning. Miss Pauling resumed talking, regaining everyone's attention. Sniper glanced back at. (Y/N), who was staring intently at the note. He sighed and continued listening to his boss's assistant.

After the meeting ended and Miss Pauling left, Sniper received a few snide remarks from the others, but it wasn't anything he hadn't heard before. He noticed (Y/N) heading towards the Dorm areas and quickly ran over to her. He put his hand on her shoulder; she stopped immediately. "Hey, Shiela. I was wondering if we could talk back at my place. You seem really worried and I...I wanna help ya out."

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