Sniper x Child! Reader

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Requested by: The_Beattomy_heart

Thanks, mate!

The reader is in 2nd grade. :)


Sniper put down his sniper rifle as the battle ended. He began to pack up his belongings as gunfire continued to fill the battlefield from his teammates finishing off the enemy. This was commonplace on the field after a battle.

As he finished gathering his belongings, a rocket flew past him, sending a gust of wind in his direction. Sniper's hat flew in the air and small
paper gently glided down. "What the bloody hell, Soldier?!" He cried out as he reached for his hat. He grabbed it and quickly looked for what came out. Sniper found it on the ground and picked it up. He smiled. It was a photograph of him and his daughter (Y/N). He put the photo back under his hat. "Ah...I can't wait to see her after work..." Suddenly, a thought clicked in his mind. What time is it? He checked his watch and alarm instantly filled in him. 3:06?! Holy Dooley I'm late! Sniper quickly grabbed whatever he could along with his bag and ran. He raced out of the base and jumped into his van. He started the van and drove off. God, I hope she won't be mad that this is the third time this week!

(Y/N) swung on the swing sets, waiting for her dad to pick her up from school. A couple of other kids also waited for their families at the playground while the principal watched. She smiled as thoughts of that day raced through her mind. The thought that interested her the most, however, was that career day was two days away. Her teacher had asked the students if they would ask their parents to participate in career day and if they could talk about their job. Doctors, teachers, writers, construction classmates' parents all have interesting jobs, but MY dad... She smiled. ...MY dad has the best job! No one will expect it in all of Teufort!

"(Y/N)! Your father is here!" (Y/N) looked up to see her father walking into the playground. She jumped out of the swings and ran to her father.

Sniper smiled when he saw her and picked her up. He turned to the principal and thanked him for keeping an eye on (Y/N). Then, he put her in the van and they left. As they drove along the road, he asked his daughter: "How was school?"

She looked up at him and smiled. "It was great! I got candy for getting a math problem right and we got to stay outside longer because the big kids were taking a test!" Sniper nodded, not keeping his eyes off the road.

"You sound like you had fun today, (Y/N)!" She nodded.

"Oh! And daddy?"

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"Career day is in two days and I was wondering if you could talk about your job there..." Sniper took a quick glance at her before looking back at the road.

"Career day? Hmmmm..." He pulled the van over and looked at his beloved daughter. She stared at him, anxious for his answer. "How 'bout we go get some ice cream, eh? We'll discuss it there!"

"Will we discuss it like an adult?" Sniper laughed.

"Yep! We'll discuss it like adults."

~ Time Skip To the Ice Cream Parlor~

Sniper walked over to the table (Y/N) sat at and handed her an ice cream cone. She happily took it and began to eat it almost immediately. Sniper sat down across from her. "Alright. Now, let's start, eh?" (Y/N) stopped eating her ice cream and looked up at her father.

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