RED Medic x Child! Reader x BLU Spy

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(A/N: It can be a boy or girl child)

  It was a sunny day and the temperature was just right. Not too cold and not too hot. The RED Medic led his son/daughter to the Teufort park. It was a simple park with a swing set, a slide, monkey bars,and a seesaw. There was, however, trash littered everywhere, making it less appealing to look at. No one was there since school had started an hour ago and everyone was going to work. Medic had his child home schooled since he believed they didn't "teach the right subjects."

"Vati! Vati!" I want to go on the swings!" (Y/N) exclaimed, pointing at the swing set. Medic chuckled.

"Alright, (Y/n), you may go." The child cheered and ran to the swings, with Medic following close behind. She/he jumped onto the swing and waited eagerly for him to come. Medic stood behind him/her and grabbed the swing. "Ready?'(Y/N) nodded. He smiled and pulled the swing back, then let go. His daughter/son giggled with glee as they swung into the air. Medic pushed him/her again, making them go higher and higher.

"Vati! Vati! Again! Again!" The Medic laughed and pushed again. His precious child smiled. "Vati! Vati! Look! I can fly!" Medic nodded.

"Ja! I'm sure you can, Lie-LIEBLING!" (Y/N) let go of the swing and jumped. She/he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Medic immediately rushed to his child's aid. She/he had their eyes closed and no response came from them."LIEBLING! Are you alright?!" He lifted up (Y/N)'s head and began to examine it. "I don't see any vounds...ach...vhat if zhe injuries are internal?!" (Y/N)'s eyes opened. "Liebling!Are you alright?!" (Y/N) was silent for a moment before shouting out:

"THAT WAS FUN!" Medic stared at the child in surprise before sighing in relief.

"Don't scare me like zhat again, Liebling!" he exclaimed, hugging her/him.

That night...

"And zhat is how zhe serial killer became a doctor..." Medic closed the book and looked up at his child, who was nearly asleep. He grinned and kissed (Y/N)'s forehead. He was getting up to leave when (Y/N) asked: "Can you read another one?" He shook his head. "Es tut mir Lied, Liebling. You need to go sleep!" (Y/N) groaned and Medic chuckled. "I promise I vill read another one tomorrow." He turned off the lamp and left the room. He entered his own room and set to work.

One hour later...

Medic put the wrapped present on his desk and smiled at his work. "Perfekt." He had just finished wrapping her/his birthday present, which was the following day. Medic took out the card he asked Spy to design for him and grabbed his ink pen. On the envelope, he wrote (Y/N) on it in cursive and then began to write the note. When he finished, he quickly read it over before putting it in the envelope and placing it on the gift. He picked up a small framed picture of him and (Y/N) several years ago, just hours after she/he was born. He smiled. "Morgen wird es ein grosser Tag, mein liebes Kind sein..." He put the framed picture down and looked at the clock by the picture. 11:02 P.M. "It's getting late...Mein Gott...It's been a vhile since I've stayed up zhis late...I better get to sleep..." He felt a chill go down his back.

"Well then, I wish you a goodnight." Immediately, Medic felt a knife plunge into his back and he fell down onto his desk. He heard a Spy chuckling behind him, trying not to wake anyone up. Medic ,with the last of his diminishing energy, looked up at the framed picture and smiled. "(Y...N...)..." Everything went black.

BLU Spy laughed and snatched the RED Medic's glasses off of his face. "An easy kill..." He opened his disguise kit and became the Medic. He put the glasses on and smirked. "Now to dispose of the body." There was a knock on the door.

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