16: Guess Who's Our Roommate!!

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Sory, Was Feeliin A Liittlleee Random..



Yur Wors Dan Roxy, She's Not Askiin For Mase To Cum Baakk!!

Wel.. I Knoo Yur All In Hiis Clubb.. So, Roxy Is A Littttttleeeeeeee Upset.. :/


Chapter 16: Guess who we have as roommates?!

“I thought you said the guy was rich” I said to Kane as I plopped my bags on the floor.

“He’s supposed to be, how else could he afford over 500 dorms?”

“We have to be careful” I whispered to Kane. “Talk through the mind link or summit, the vamps have ears like hawks”


I got off my bike and parked it in my normal spot, beside my brother’s and whatnot. I got my bags outta Mack’s car and turned to the school.

Time to find out our roommates, I swear if we have a vamp in our room. I’m gonna put some next thing in their toothpaste.

I pulled my suitcase down the halls and into the office where Raven was.

“Hey Rave!!” I exclaimed, walking into the office.

“Hi Roxy!! What’d you think about the dorms?” she asked, grinning.

“Well, I haven’t seen em yet but I’ll tell you soon so, who’s in my dorm?” I replied, returning a grin.

“Well, hmmm, one sec” she said. She looked in a cabinet and found a blue folder with my name on it. She handed it to me and I opened it.

Name: Roxanne Lilly Cross (I had it changed back to Cross)

Room: 405

Locker: 07


·Kane Blood

·Aiden Jordan

·Cole Richmond

“Hey! That’s not fair! It’s all boys!” I exclaimed. “Is that a mistake or summit?”

Raven frowned and shook her head. “No, I didn’t really choose this. The guy who donated chose everything himself”

I gotta find out who donated this school money. Who would? I would just spend it on cars, clothes and food, oh and movies!!

I nodded. “Well, I’m bunking with you Kane”

“What about us?” Mack asked, grabbing the folder off Raven.

I grabbed the folder off Mack and opened it.

Name: Mackenzie Thor.

Room: 406

Locker: 13


·Haden Cross

·Shane Dalton

·Vince Cross

“You’re next to us” I said to Mack. “You’re with Hade, Vince and some next Shane guy” I handed back the folder to Mack.

Captured! [Book 2 of The Denied! Series] {NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!}Where stories live. Discover now