Chapter 25: The Press Confrence

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Stop right there, don't play the vedio/audio now! I will tell you when to. Its that the song I want is not there on SoundCloud and I can't upload it there either, it gets removed. They say because of copyright issues and blah blah blah. Anyway you will play the video when I tell you okay~


Kim so-eun's P.O.V :-

I won't lie, that scared me to death.

As soon as that person showed himself I felt hugely relieved.

I pushed his hands down and hit him on the chest, I could feel my eyes slitly wet.

"WHAT THE HELL?! What are you doing Hoya ssi?!" I shouted whispering.

Its already night and we are in this dark place, I think its an alley that was beside the hotel.

"Am sorry! Am really sorry!" He said as I exhaled loudly.

"What made you do this anyway?" I asked "I needed to talk to you alone about something" he said shortly after I asked.

Although I couldn't see his face expression I can feel from his voice that it was hard for him to say what he is going to say.

"Something alone? What is it?" I asked.

"Do you perhaps---" he said but then cut himself.

"Do I what?" I asked him as he sighed loudly and sat on the floor crossed legs, I followed and sat beside him.

"Do you know what is wrong with Dongwoo?" He finally said.

My heart beats went fast at the mention of his name before I rested my head on the wall behind me, no words escaping my mouth.

"So you do?" He asked, I didn't reply.

"Look, I don't know why am asking you but there was no one else. I don't know how to help my friend at all, he isn't talking to anyone since yesterday morning" he explained as I turned to him.

"He can't even concentrate on practice, that's why we finished early yesterday. We couldn't even practice well so we stopped" he continued.

I didn't say a word "Are you really in a relationship with Taehyung?" He finally asked.

I was feeling really hurt just a while ago when he was explaining to me how Dongwoo is doing.

But now, after that question I burst out laughing.

I kept laughing as he looked at me confused.

I took a picture of Taehyung and I when we were young out of my purse, as well as my phone to use the flash light.

"Look" I told him turning the flash on.

"Who are these?" He asked, I pointed with my finger at Taehyung "That's Kim Taehyung" I said then felt him nod.

"Is that his sister then?" He asked unsure, I smiled then nodded.

"Yes, that's me" I simply said then directed the flash light to our direction as I smiled.

I can see his shocked face and widened eyes as he soon started coughing continously, I think he chocked.

Oooppppsss (?)

I patted his back a little hard a couple of times before he stopped coughing.

"You are his sister?!" He asked, I nodded simply.

"No wait, you are Kim Taehyung's-- no BTS' s V's younger sister?!" He asked again.

"Yes I am, and it will all be in the media by tomorrow" I answered.

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