Chapter 30: Trust

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"Simple cover shop"
by  WINY

She made me a couple of covers for this book and what am using now is one of them, so I tell you her covers are jjang.


So do check her shop out and request! Thank you!

Now Enjoy~

Kim SoEun

"No no! Slow down Woobin! You ain't in England no more!" I warn with my hands clinching my seatbelt for dear life. My mature brother went crazy.

"Come on SoEun! Have some fun!" He replies as I glance at him and quickly back to the road, deciding on being the wiser one and not letting this be the last day of my life.

"Hey England boy, end of discussion! If you don't slow down all what you told me about England and you breaking the speed limit will reach Mom! And you know what Mrs Kim will do next!" I threaten, knowing Woobin well enough to guarantee it'll work.

"Are you even my dongseng anymore? It's like you are a drug dealer already! I don't like you." WooBin steers the wheel and pouts as he complains.

"Whatever, we are almost there. Take a left then a right," I instruct him as he listens in obedience. The big building of Woolim Ent. comes to view and Woobin stops the car when we are I front of it.

"Bingo!" I marvel.

"Now let's see where you work dongsenggie," Woobin says, unlocking the car as we both exit. "Fancy the size of this building." He notes, looking at Woolim's building as I giggle at him.

I walk to him after closing my door and take the car key to lock the car while he's still looking at the building with a gap between his lips. "Let's go!" I pull him into the building.

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"Oh! SoEun! You're here on time as always! Who is that?" Mr Park is the first to greet me and gestures to my brother.

"Hello, thank you sir, ----" I don't get to complete my words when he cuts me off with the cringiest remark.

"Omo! Is he your boyfriend?"

Woobin and I share a look, grimace, look back at the man before breaking into laughter, at the same time. While the manager looks at us as if we are some crazy dorks I try to stop laughing but miserably before clearing my throat.

"Ehm, sorry sir. This is Kim Woo Bin, my brother, sir." I say,  stifling a laugh at my brother's red face, dying to just laugh it all out all over again.

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