Chapter 40: Not Cupid

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Kim So-Eun P.O.V

With only the five of us, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Myungsoo, Sungjong and I, in the room, I looked at the four boys sitting on the couch across my bed.

I noticed Woohyun and Sungjong looking around, I instantly knew what, or may I say who, they were looking for.

"You guys are so rude. I'm the patient here who just woke up! What are you looking at?!" I said faking an upset face.

"Eo?" Woohyun snapped out.

"Of course we are looking at you, what are you saying." Sungjong continued laughing nervously.

I narrowed my eyes at them, as if I can't see it, actually I knew since Tasnim's birthday.

They will be back here soon, I need to do something "Are you guys looking for someone?" I asked mischievously.

"What? No, of course not." they answered simultaneously, I exchanged looks with Dongwoo and L as we three smiled to each other.

"Just wanted to ask, for whom are these stuff?" Woohyun asked pointing at Kinda's bag which was half open with sweet soar peach candy visible.

I shook my head to myself as I saw how messed up she is, and seriously? Peach candy Kinda? I'll say no more.

"Kinda's," I blurt out nonchalantly.

I saw him nodding as a smile crept up his features, say what?! I knew it!

"So-eun ah, who visited here? I mean other than us and your parents did anyone visit yet? I mean any of your friends maybe?" Sungjong stuttered.

I laughed to myself trying so hard to hold it in, that was just too obvious Jong, couldn't you wait till they're back?

I nodded to them, yeah Woohyun was anticipating although he pretty much already got his answer.

"Yeah, my friends came."

"Whom?" They asked simultaneously.

I heard Myungsoo laugh and Dongwoo trying so hard to hold in his loud laugh as heavy breathes escaped his mouth.

"Tasnim, Kinda, and Hyunjoo." at the mention of each name one of them smiled, Sungjong smiled first followed by Woohyun.

All what was missing was J-hope to come and smile as I mention Hyunjoo.
Wait, how did they get so close again? They all met once, that's so odd. No no, wait a second, I actually made them exchange numbers that day.

I smiled to myself at that, I see what you guys are doing there.

Just then I heard loud voices coming from outside, and I could recognize these instantly if I may add.

Time for match making!

Shortly, the door flashed open.

"So-eun! So-eun! So-eun!" Tasnim laughed coming in, they can't see the boys are here can they?

"Baeeeee!!!" Hyunjoo came next.

And last but not least, Kinda' cue.

"So-eun ah! Bae! Look look! Look what I bought you~" she came in dancing like the dork she is as she waved a bottle of peach juice, our favorite.

I shook my head to myself at the three disgraceful beings before me, as soon as Kinda came to hand me the juice bottle I took it from her first then pointed behind her.

You neven know what could happen to this precious bottle after she-- or may I say they realize what they've put themselves in right?

As I pointed behind Kinda the three of them tilted their heads to look behind, I just had to take out my phone and film that.

Wait at the mention of my phone! Where is it?! I looked around quickly to find it on the table on the other side of the room.

Too bad.

As Kinda turned around she gasped covering her ajar mouth, yes baby you should.

Tasnim's cue, she literally took two steps back collapsing her back to the wall. Her eyes opened wide same for her mouth, she just looked so priceless, yup that's the word to explain it.

"Oh My God," I heard the low hiss and the heavy breathing, oh I forgot we have an inspirit.

Hyungjoo yah, may you rest in peace.

Dongwoo laughed loudly filling the air with his signature laugh as he walked and came sitting beside me.

I hit his arm playfully with a smile on my face as I gesturing him to stop laughing, yes it's funny but those are still my friends and how they look right now is enough to be honest.

He nodded trying to stop, shortly he did and threw an arm over my shoulder.

How close Dongwoo and I looked made their eyes look so close to pop out, especially Hyunjoo given that he in a member of her favorite band.

Woohyun and Sungjong stood up, along with Myungsoo as well. Tasnim and Kinda were visibly so red by now.
"Hey, Kinda." Woohyun started as he stood in front of her, Kinda looked away shyly as she bit her lips.

That just now is so not like her if I may mention.

"Hi, Tasnim." Sungjong did just the same, Tasnim stood looking down as she twisted her fingers nervously.

"You guys could go now, I want to chill in this plain room on my own." I deliberately waved the soon-to-be-couples away.

"I have drama shooting, I think I need to go." Myungsoo said, Hyunjoo looked into her watch.

"You're shooting now? Isn't the shooting going to start next week?" She asked unawarely "Sorry." she scratched her head.

Myungsoo smiled "Because there are some preparations concerning the setting and scrip, they wanted us to come early and discuss it."

Hyunjoo nodded timidly "hwighting!" She encouraged as Myungsoo nodded smiling before waving as he walked out of the room.

"We will go too, do you want to join?" Woohyun and Sungjong proposed to Kinda and Tasnim.

They looked back at me for permission as I nodded eagerly in reply, turns out I didn't do any match making. Too bad.

"So-eun ah, I have classes now. See you." Hyunjoo took her leave next.

Now Dongwoo and I were alone, I rested my head on his chest feeling his arm over my shoulders.

Tingles went up and down my body, I felt so happy, rather more, blessed.

"Don't you dare do something like that again." he whispered.

I smiled nodding my head and encircled his torso, I really fell too hard for this guy.

He hugged me tight to his chest in return as his hands wrapped around me, I swear I didn't feel anymore safe in my life.

"Ehm," someone cleared their throat from behind, my eyes instantly rounded as my eyes landed on the intruder.

Holly crap.


Stop right there, I can't believe it's chapter 40 already. Thank you so much for reading this ff!!

I don't even remember when I last updated lol, but there you go. Sorry for the long wait.

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