Chapter 3

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     I can't believe it. I don't believe it. I won't believe it!
     I decide to search it up, still denying the fact that he has a son. However sure enough, the little blonde boy I saw earlier had popped up on my phone again - Davi Lucca. I can't deny, the name is just as cute as the boy that the name belongs to.
     Oh Lord.
     He is 4 years old. If you do the math, Neymar was 19 when he became a father..
     I don't judge or give my somewhat negative opinion on the fact that he became a father at such a young age. I doubt the child was planned but from what I see Neymar appears to love and care for him as I look at the two in the pictures on my phone. That's all that matters when it comes to a relationship between a father and their son, right?

     Lately, soccer has been more exciting and I've grown even more passionate about the sport.  I have the World Cup to thank for that. The soccer tournament has really motivated me. Learning about Neymar, seeing the way he played, and where he came from, it's just so.. inspirational.  He causes me to be even more eager to watch soccer games! His skill and style has caused me to want try harder in soccer, and become better. He makes me want to become the best I can be, for the sake of my team and myself. Maybe this motivation help me reach my life goal: playing in the World Cup.  I'm not saying Neymar can get me to the World Cup, but anything can happen, right?
     I may be a professional and play on the great and famous FC Barcelona Women's Soccer Team (FCBWST), but not very many people seem to only know or talk about me. I would say I'm one of the better players without a doubt, but people only pay acknowledge "the popular players". Everyone likes the confident players who put on a show after they score, or have videos of them acting all crazy on the internet. However, one day I will shine bigger than their egos and fame. I will not by know and appreciated for my popularity, but for my skill. I know I have fans out there who like and support me for that too, and it doesn't matter how big or small that crowd may be. Some of those fans may possibly speak a different language than me, but that's OK. They support me, and that's all I care about.

     It's starting to get a little close to the end of the World Cup.  Brazil is still in it to win it, and that's probably the main reason why I'm still watching. Neymar has definitely been on my mind a lot more lately. I legit sound obsessed, but really he's all I think about. This guy is such a good player, and he's so beautiful too..
     I hope I can watch him play as long as I can, he's really a joy to watch.  Watching him play somehow caused me to play better lately. I now have better ball control and my shooting is more efficient now as well. When I watch him I try to put what I see out on the field without even realizing it.
     I've done more background checks with the whole "Neymar having a son" scenario, and I discover that Davi's mother and Neymar are no longer an item and haven't been split for quite some time now. Media says that she's tried to split some of Neymar's relationships that he's been in since after the 2 broke up. She's even succeeded at the task a few times.  Although, I can't dislike her. For all I know this could just be the media twisting people's words and creating rumors and whatnot.
     Oh gosh..
     I feel dumb for having thoughts like these, but Neymar is a guy I'd like to meet one day. Obviously he's "boyfriend material" to me as well, who could possibly disagree?  Nonetheless, there's one problem: he appears to be the type of guy who sticks to his own culture. Hey, no rule in the book says I can't become friends with him one day, right?
     What I find sad is that it's pretty obvious that girls date him for his looks, fame, and money. Major gold diggers that are constantly clawing at his sleeves. It's unfortunate because he seems like such a great guy.  His talent on the field, the money in his bank account, his exterior that gets him into modeling companies - none of that defines him up as a person. Those characteristics  surely are not the best parts of him as well.  Yeah, he's a a professional soccer player and all..but he's also a great father, and has God in his heart. He is a good, loyal friend to everyone around him. What more could you ask for in a guy? His soccer skills are and should be looked at as a bonus to his being. What genuinely matters is if he's got a good heart. If it were up to me, I say he does.

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