Chapter 29

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*Neymar's POV*

When it happened, everything seemed to stop.  As soon as I saw her hit the ground, my vision blurred.  The sound of my heartbeat thudded in my ears, my throat went dry, and my legs felt like they were going numb as I ran as fast as I could to get to her.  If it was even possible that I could get to Mackenzie.

"Mackenzie!" I shout for the second time, now that she lays there on the field, the field that she was working her magic on seconds prior.

The medics ran from the sideline and rushed to her aid, attempting to wake her up.  Unfortunately, from what I saw, it wasn't working.  My heart stopped as I saw a few more people brought out a stretcher and carefully laid her on it.  I was having a horrendous moment of déjà vu, flashes of when I was injured in the World Cup went through my mind.  My eyes started to water as I tried to shake those images out of my head. 

This can't be happening..

Mackenzie was injured the same way.  That horrible and lazy excuse of a defender came up from behind and kneed her right in the lower part of her back.  I just pray to God that she doesn't get the same results as me.  Or worse.

Finally, I pull myself out of my thoughts, only to see Mackenzie being taken off the field.  Probably being escorted to the hospital as well.  So I rush to the exit of the stadium, but a deep British voice stops me in my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?" Harry asks, Alexis by his side as they both give me a cold stare.

"I.. I got to get to Mackenzie," I respond in a low voice, knowing their responses won't be the slightest bit pleasant.

He laughs loudly, throwing his head back before stepping towards me.  "As if I will ever let you go anywhere near her."

"Oh really?" I ask, taking my turn to step forward and get in Harry's face, since this long-haired doorknob thinks he can intimidate me.

"Will both of you shut up!" Alexis butts in, "You both are not going to sit here and waste time arguing, while Mackenzie is on her way to the hospital! C'mon! She needs us! We got to go!! Neymar, you're coming too.  The three of us will deal with you later."

"Three?" I asked her in confusion.

She turns around and looks at me.  "Hello!  Obviously Mackenzie's mom is going to be in the waiting room of that hospital before any of us even arrive," she scoffs.  She turns back around, grabs Harry's hand, and we take off to my car.

"Give me your keys," Alexis snaps at me once we get to my car.  I toss them to her with shaky hands.  Harry and I jump in the car as she starts it up, and the three of us sped off to the hospital.

"I swear to God if you cause any damage to this car..." I warn Alexis.

She stares me down in the rear view mirror.  "Listen here, Neymar.  I warned you to not break my friend's heart, but no, you did it anyway, causing so much "damage".  So I could care less about your car.  I could ram this crappy vehicle into a tree, and you wouldn't have a single right to utter a word about it.  So, shut your mouth, and let me drive." She spits, leaving me speechless.

"Man, the sass!" Harry smirks.

"Harry?" Alexis asks.

"Yes, love?"

"Shut up."

"Okay," he chuckles, and there was silence for the rest of the car ride.

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