Chapter 24

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"I have my next game tomorrow," I whisper to Dani nervously as we dribble across the field with the team. He smiles while concentrating on the ball that kept coming in contact with his foot as he jogged forward.

"Oh, Kenzie, you have nothing to worry about, you'll do great! After all, you have been practicing with the best team in the world for a while now," he jokes, winking at me. I roll my eyes, but I laugh as well.

I look over to smile at Neymar, but he looks away. What's up with him? He's been acting off lately ever since we almost.... yeah. What did I do?

Oh my gosh, why am I caring so much about everything lately? Why does he have such an effect on me? I feel like there's something that I'm pushing away, almost like in trying to think of something and deny it from my knowledge. Like when you're trying to remember a memory, either it didn't happen, or you're denying yourself and tell yourself that it didn't happen. The difference is though is what I'm trying to remember isn't a memory, it's my feelings towards Neymar. Either there is nothing more, or there is more and I'm denying it, despite if I don't know what I'm actually denying.

A ball hits me in the back, and I whip around to face Messi who has a mischievous look on his face.


"You keep zoning out, sorry," he chuckles, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Sorry, just a little distracted I guess," I sigh. I look around and notice that the field is empty and the team is on water break, leaving Messi and I alone.

"Well no one else is around, talk to me," he says, walking towards me. I sigh quietly, pulling my fingers through my tangled ponytail.

"Well, it's about Neymar and I.. We almost.... you know.. but then his son walked in so we didn't," I say awkwardly. I know it's obvious that I'm embarrassed right now.

"Oh, you trying to do stuff now, eh?" Messi asks, winking at me which I know caused me to turn a deep shade of crimson.

"Yes, we almost kissed..."

"OH! Yeah..." he blurted, looking quite flustered. I don't even want to know what he thought I meant....

"Yeah. Anyways, just lately I've felt so much closer to him. It's like I've known him forever. I know there's a word to describe this feeling, but I can't put my finger on it. I don't know what it is and I think I might be afraid to find out," I sigh, finishing my short speech. The footballer smiles at me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, I'm not going to push your feelings in your face, despite that I probably already know what they are, but I'm just going to say that at the right moment, you'll know what it is," he says softly, patting me on the shoulder.

"Ok, thanks, Messi," I smile at him.

"No problem, but between you and me, I honestly ship you and Dani way more than you and your boyfriend," he smirks.

"What?!" I say in shock, putting a hand on my chest, but then giggling at what he just said.

"It's true! You guys are perfect for each other," he laughs, his eyes gleaming at the thought of us together.

"Not happening," I sassed, crossing my arms over my chest, as Messi laughed at me.

"Ok, just find someone good for you, you deserve someone who treats you right," he says with a sincere look on his face.

"Ok, I will." Who knew that Messi could be so good with discussing feelings?


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