Chapter 15

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Day of the practice, and I wasn't even nervous about Harry coming. I mean it won't be unexpected when he comes. At least, not to all of the players.... Only Dani knows. He didn't ask why, he just said ok. I mentally thanked him for that.

I head towards the practice, double checking with Harry on the way that he's coming. I told my sister and made her not tell anyone. She agreed even though she totally flipped her lid when I told her. Even Alexis was coming, as she is a huge fan of Harry, and was so shocked when she found out about our quick connection and friendship. I lock my car up, and then head into the stadium.

I look around at the new place we were practicing at today. Wow, it's even better than the last one we played at... I look around, and only Marc, Dani, Messi, Neymar, and Suarez were here at the moment. Marc, Suarez, and Dani were passing, and Neymar and Messi were talking shots. I set my soccer bag with the FCB badge on it down on the nearest bench I could find, and then walk over to Dani.

I finally get to him and tap him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around. "Oh! Hey, Mackenzie!" Dani says smiling at me. I smile back and pull him in for a hug. "When is he coming?" he whispered in my ear. He didn't even have to say his name, I already knew he was talking about Harry. "He'll be here in 5 minutes," I whispered back, and he just nod his head and we pulled apart.

We began shooting, and I hear a thick British accent call out my name. I turn bright red as all the players look around with a "What the heck?" look on their face. I then turn around to see Harry looking at me... man did he look good today...

He stood there wearing a maroon t-shirt, and baggy dark colored ripped jeans. He wore big thick black timberland shoes, and a gray beenie to calm his wild curls at the moment. I know he dressed like that to get everyone's attention, but I don't care. I'd love to see him dress like this more often.

I see Alexis and Taylor sitting on the bench, their jaws dropped to the ground in awe and excitement as they look back and forth between Harry and I. I jog over to Harry and engulf him in a hug.

I hear someone take a shot, and it crashed the net hard. Almost as if they kicked it as hard as they can, when they'd be mad. I turn around, still hugging Harry, to see who it is. I saw after he took the shot, Neymar turned around to look at us, pure anger in his eyes. It was obvious he was going to say something to me at some point later but I didn't care. I smiled sweetly and innocently at Neymar, arms still around Harry, and then turned back around to Harry, to see an amused expression on his face as he quietly snickered.

"What?" I asked him, highly confused. "It's very evident that you have played this revenge and jealousy game with people before," he said smiling, continuing to laugh in the process. "Well, duh," I say dramatically, flipping my hair with sass only to make Harry laugh harder, causing me to laugh as well.

Alexis continued to gush at us as the love of her life was standing in front of her. "He doesn't bite, Alexis," I laughed as she shyly looked at us. She timidly walked over to us. "H-Hi...," she said quietly, obviously nervous. "Nice to meet you," Harry said politely, taking her small hand in his large one to shake her hand as a greeting. She blushed at the sudden contact between them.

"Well, I'm gonna go sit on the other side of the field, I'll talk to you guys after the practice," Harry announced. He look that moment to go over to Alexis and give her a small hug, and then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Her face became a tomato as I giggled uncontrollably. Then Harry went to kiss me on the forehead and then brought me into a hug. "She's cute," he whispered to me shyly, and I laughed. It was adorable seeing him act like that around a girl. We then pulled apart, and he waved, walking to the other sideline.

"Boy, does he look great today.....," she said to me while totally looking him up and down with her eyes, letting out a low wolf whistle. I laughed at her. "Thank you so much for being a crybaby so you could become friends with him and I could meet him," she said, obviously teasing me. Then we both starting busting up laughing. I then hugged her. "I'll talk to you later."
We then pulled apart and I jogged over to the team.

We began to do a agility drill. I was hoplessly one of the slower ones, but at least I wasn't the slowest. Then, I became extremely nervous, as the next drill was to help with being physical. I gulped. Going up against men?! What if they hurt me? I prayed that I didn't go up against him. Please don't be with Neymar, please don't be with Neymar, please don't be with Neymar..... To my luck, I am going up against Neymar. Crap.

Everyone else was easy on me, but I doubt he would. There were several cones laid ahead of us. We had to run to each one, and shove each other at each one, fighting for who will dominate the other. Then, someone blew the whistle. He ran, and I did the same, praying this won't end badly.

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