Chapter 11

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*Mackenzie's POV*
I wake up today to the lovely sound of my alarm clock. Ugh. Despite the horrible noise I have to wake up to everyday, something very surprising happens that makes me instantly happy, but causes me to nearly fall out of my bed and die. Typical clumsy me.. OMG why did he text me?!!! I get a text from Neymar...

I changed his contact name of course after we had truce again. I put a soccer ball and a heart to symbolize he's a soccer lover. Also because I like him. Ok, maybe I am still fangirling over him a little bit...


Good morning. :)

I never in my life expected to get a good morning text from Neymar. My heart fluttered at the thought.

How am I not screaming right now?

~Good morning to you too Neymar. :)

I then get up and proceed to get ready for the day ahead of me. Then surprisingly, Neymar decides to make this a conversation.


Did you sleep well?

~Yes I did actually, thank you for asking.. :) Hbu?

I wonder if he's being a playboy, or if he's actually really nice like this to everyone...

Omg, shut up, Mackenzie! He's just asking if you slept well, geez!


No problem.;)
Yeah I slept fine, cuddling with my little filho.

Oh crap. He has a son. I totally forgot. I couldn't help but be a little jealous. I've wanted a child of my own. Someone to look after and look up to me and admire me like I did my own parents. Just, not get one as soon as Neymar did...

~Ah yes, your little filho. Davi is quite cute. I must say, you're a lucky father and a lucky guy, Neymar.


Thanks. Yes I am, but not as lucky as I can be.

~What do you mean? You have it all. You got a wonderful son, wonderful home, and a wonderful career. You having the perfect life.


It doesn't feel so perfect when the opposite side of my bed is empty at night. I don't feel all that happy when there's no one to wake up and say good morning to besides my son. It's kinda sad that I have no one to hold and comfort when they cry and are struggling. I have no one to share memories with and no one to help me raise my son with. The one thing that makes a heart complete didn't stay to fill up mine.

Wow.. Neymar is single? What happened to Davi's mother? Who knew Neymar would seem so sad about being lonely.  However, the real question, is why is he sharing all these deep and sad thoughts with me of all people? I barely know him enough for him to trust me with them. Although, his secrets are of course safe with me. Honestly, I wish I could be the one to fill the hole in his heart. I want to be the one to give him everything and be his everything, but I know though that that can't happen. I'm lucky if he even considers me as his best friend. Sure, I'm a professional soccer player, but I'm not one of the popular people on my team like Neymar is on his own. He wouldn't look in my direction unless if I was the last girl on earth...

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