Chapter 4

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I sit there and look at the television in shock. 
Neymar is hurt.
He is definitely not faking it.  I've seen soccer players fake injuries for a call, but this is no acting. I can see the look of pure pain on his face. I can tell by the way he screams in agony.  I have never seen a man cry out like this.  Of all people, it has to be Neymar.
I began to cry, which soon turned into sobbing. I covered my eyes from the horrible event that's displayed on the screen. I hate to see the man I now idolize, laying on the ground helplessly and yelling out for help. 
He's in pain now, but he'll be ok later.  He'll be back on the field playing in the next game in no time. He has to be.
I have to stay positive.. I have to be positive...positive...
I can't take this.
I leave the room as the television shows him being carried off the field in a stretcher.

I decide to go to the mall.  I need to get my mind off of this horrible incident.  I throw on a gray Nike hoodie, slide on some jeans, tug on my boots and I head out the door.
Once I get there, I park my car and make my way inside. Once I'm in the mall, I dart straight to the food court - which is typical of me. Food always makes me feel a better. I just love food in general, so why not just get some now?  If it wasn't for soccer, I'd be a fat couch potato that would do absolutely nothing.  Although, I still reflect that kind of behavior sometimes anyway.. 
I decide to go to DQ, and order a blizzard.  As I shovel down my blizzard, I zone out and millions of questions race through my mind. 
Is Neymar still hurt?  Will he be ok?  Why is he hurting?  Why did that stupid Columbian player knee him in the back?!  I know it was intentional! Did Brazil win?  If something happens to him, will it affect the team?  Will this affect his career? 
I was so lost.  I just wish this game would've turned out differently. 
Ugh, I need someone to talk to. 
I pull out my phone, and began to scroll through my contacts. Moments later, I finally found the contact I was looking for.  I tapped the call button and waited for them to answer.
"Hey Alexis! It's Mackenzie."
"Oh hey, Kenzie! It's been a while! What's up?"
"Oh um..well I just need someone to talk to. Could you come to to the mall for a little bit?"
She paused for a moment. "Food court?"
She laughs through the phone before responding. "Why am I not surprised? Yeah sure thing, I'll be there in a little bit."
"Ok, thanks. Bye."

Alexis and I have been friends for ages. I've known her since I first moved to the other side of my hometown (in America) in 8th grade.  It wasn't far from my previous home, but the new environment was drastically different.  We didn't exactly know each other personally, we just knew "of" each other.  Then, freshman year of high school came along. I happened to be in French class with a girl, named Marissa, and Alexis, who was her friend at the time.  They both reached out to me and sat next to me on the first day of school.
Eventually, the three of us went to the movies and got friendship bracelets afterwards. The 3-way friendship blossomed from there.  Ever since then, Alexis and I have been the best of friends.  She's not involved in any sport whatsoever, but somehow we still have so much in common.  She's loud and crazy, while I'm quiet and reserved. Yet somehow we go perfect together in our special and weird friendship.
We've kept in touch over the years, but we have grown to be busy most of the time and don't really have that much time to talk.  However, I take this moment to catch up with my best friend. I wait patiently until she arrives.
As I'm about to finish my food, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.  I spin around in my chair to see Alexis beaming at me.  I grin back at her and hug her as well. "I missed you Kenzie!"
I laughed. "I missed you too Alexis!"
We sit down and she immediately begins to ask me questions, which I don't mind.
"So, how have you been?!"
"I've been good, thanks!  How about you?"
"Great! Tony and I are doing well!"
Tony is her current boyfriend.  They've been dating for quite a while now.  They've had some rough patches in the past, but they seem happier than ever now.  I'm happy for them, for Alexis, but I personally don't believe he's the right guy for her.  Although, I don't get to choose her lover. Thus, if she's happy, I'm happy.
"That's great!"
"Haha, I know.  What about you?  Anyone special in your life now?" she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"No, not at the moment," I laugh awkwardly, making her groan.
"Ugh, still?  You better start looking, you aren't getting any younger."
I slap her arm after I gasp at her very offensive comment.
"Ow! What was that for?! I was only saying the truth!"
I chuckle and shake my head at her, rolling my eyes at her..she does have a point. 
I just haven't found the right one yet, unfortunately. I don't believe people would look my direction anyway.  I've had a messy relationship in the past, so I've grown to have a pretty low self esteem for Lord knows how many years. I don't think I look too inviting with the attitude I have about relationships at the moment.
"I know... but we didn't come here to talk about my sad love life," I laugh quietly, trying to change the touchy subject.
"Yeah, true.  So, what's the prob? Talk to me."
"Well, there's this guy on the World Cup Brazil team-"
"Ooooohhhhh, you like Neymar?!!!"
I look at her with disbelief.  "I haven't watched a single game with you, and haven't discussed the World Cup with you at all!  How did you know that?!"
"One, believe it or not I've actually watched a few games. Two, I know you like the back of my hand.  I know exactly who you and your interests are," she responded in a sassy tone, making me smile.
I snicker, but didn't deny anything.
"Anyway, what's the deal with him?"
"Well I like a fan..and probably more.  He has become my inspiration in soccer in a way.  I've even improved just from watching him play.  The thing is, he got injured..he didn't look too good.  I'm afraid he won't be able to play for a while," I sigh.
"Well, I watched that game too.  I can't promise he'll be okay for the next game, or even for the rest of the World Cup altogether. What I can promise, is that he won't die - and his career won't either.  He'll be ok. I don't know how long it will take, but he will heal in time," she says reassuringly.  I stand up and smile her.  She does the same and we embrace each other in a hug once again.  "Thank you, Alexis. You always know how to make things better."
"No problem, Mackenzie, anytime. Good luck with your little Neymar crush. Maybe sometime soon you'll get to meet him, y'all will get married, and have little soccer player babies," she joked while laughing.
"Ugh whatever!  Well.. I guess I'll see you later," I laugh as we pull apart.
"Yeah, I'll text you later. Bye!"
"Bye, Alexis!"
We go our separate ways, and I head to my car to go home.

     I get home, and throw my stuff on my bed and then divert to my kitchen.  I hear a noise, and realize I left the television on by accident. 
I hear the speaker on the screen, who appears to be a reporter. I heard her say "Neymar" and my head whipped around so fast and looked right at the screen. I couldn't believe what I saw.  I saw an X-ray of a skeleton, and the lower part of the spine was bent.  I then realize it was Neymar's X-ray. 
Oh my gosh.. 
"Neymar has a fractured vertebrae, but he was very lucky. If he was hit 2 inches to the side, he would have been paralyzed." 
Paralyzed?!!  How could this happen?! 
"So as a result," the reporter continued, "Neymar won't be playing in the rest of the World Cup."

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