Chapter 5

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     I am completely heartbroken.  I can't believe it.  My nightmare comes true the moment I begin to think of it.  I knew he was hurt, but I never thought anything this tragic would happen. 
     Part of me just doesn't want to watch the World Cup anymore. I love Brazil, they're an incredible team, but Neymar was the anchor of that team.  Without him, they appear to be lost, and not connected. I doubt any team I'm rooting for is going to win the World Cup, but that's not my main problem. What really shatters me is that I won't see Neymar play a soccer game for another 4 years. I've failed to find any Barcelona games on my television. My inspiration's journey throughout the World Cup has came to a stop, but the journey wasn't long enough.

     I walk to my room and get ready for bed. I turn off the lights, and hop in bed.  I then slowly close my eyes and fall asleep, my heart feeling heavy.
     I wake up and reach for my phone on my nightstand. I️ read a notification that I got a text from my teammate, Emma.
     She notified me about the soccer season coming up in the end of November.  She said the team will start conditioning in September, begin actual practices in November, and have my first official game November 29.  I replied with an "okay" and continue on with my morning.
     I'm actually quite excited to start soccer again.  I hate to see that Neymar can't play the sport he loves as well, but I can't let that distract me from my own career.  I decide to turn on the television, and relax. After all, today is only Sunday.
     I change the channel to recent news, just to see what's occurring at the moment.  Then, I yet another reporter talking about Neymar again.  It appears that he has just been released from the hospital he was staying at, and is now going home and working on his recovery.  The reporter also announces that they have to take him to Barcelona on a helicopter..poor Neymar. 
     My eyes start to water, thinking  about the physical and emotional pain he's going through right now. I'm distracted from my thoughts when the news switches to live, and my eyes widen as I see Neymar appear on the screen.
     I let out a shaky sigh as I see Neymar being rolled out on a stretcher. Once they get him adjusted on the helicopter, he waves to everyone.  I sniffle and then feel warm tears roll down my face, yet again, as I watch Neymar. This will be the last time I see him live on television for quite a while, and it's too painful to even comprehend that.
     I know it will take a while before he comes back. I know that he is hurting in so many ways, but I know that he will be OK.  This won't be the end to my inspiration.


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