Chapter 12

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*Mackenzie's POV*
This will be the second Barcelona practice I'll attend, but I'm not nervous like I was at the first one.  I'm no longer shy around the guys, they are like my buddies now.  Well, except Suarez, he I guess "tolerates" me. Kinda pathetic how he's still mad about that little joke, huh?  Neymar and Dani or the whole team would've gotten over it by now if I had said something similar to them.  No, not Suarez though.  Whatever, it ain't a huge loss.  It ain't a loss at all.  It's his loss.

I show up to practice and I was 5 minutes late, so I quickly went into the locker room to change. Unfortunately there was only a boy's one but I didn't care as long as they weren't in there.  I went in looking down on my phone and I feel myself bump into hard skin.  It suspiciously felt almost as if it was bare.  Well I guess there is guys in here after all, great..  I look up startled to see who it is? and it's Neymar, and is wearing nothing but his soccer shorts.  I quietly squeaked in shock at the sight of revealed skin.  He then chuckled at me and then I froze.  I happen to look down at his stomach and boy did I look at it.

His body is beautiful.  He's got a ripped six pack with beautiful caramel skin.  His biceps aren't too big but are pretty built.  He has tattoos decorated all over his skin.  I've never been one who's that fond of tattoos, but dang, Neymar will a huge exception.  I look up to find Neymar looking at me with the biggest smirk on his face.  I then realize he just saw me totally checking him out.  "Get a good view," he chuckled while taunting me with his gleaming and mischievous eyes.

I replied with a smug tone, "What view?" and then looked at him as if he was invisible.

I then earned a, "OOOHHHH!" from all the guys in the lockeroom.  He just laughed and playfully rolled is eyes.  As I went to walk to the stalls to change, Neymar spins me around and presses me up against a wall, looking me dead in the eye.

I gulped nervously as my heart began to beat rapidly at his sudden movement.  He then leaned towards me, and brushed his lips softly against my jawline.  I held my breath as my skin erupted in flames from the skin on skin contact.  He stayed there for a few seconds.  Then he travels towards my ear. "After what you said last night, that question was a pathetic denial..." he said to me.

I could hear the smirk growing on his face.  "Aww, did I hurt Neymar's little ego?" I say, totally mocking him in the process.

"Dont deny it, Babe," he spoke lowly in his extremely attractive and deep accent, sending my nerves and bones rattling.

He held his position there for a while, and then walked away, continuing to get ready.  How could someone make me go absolutely insane like he does?  Man, he makes me go wild.

I went to change and then I went outside as I observed the boys juggling and messing around with soccer balls. Neymar caught my eye with his amazing juggling skills.  I watched as he did all sorts of tricks, then volleyed the ball perfectly into the net.  Wow.  I guess I still have a whole lot to learn. However, juggling isn't that important. It's more for showing off as Neymar is demonstrating right now, like the idiot he is.  A very sexy idiot....  Shut up, Mackenzie.  He then saw me and then smiled at me, and I smiled back awkwardly.  Marc starts talking, so I give my attention to him.

"As you know, our season is coming up.  Our first game will take place one week from today.  I've talked to coach, and I'm glad to he has observed our practice and thinks our little guest is quite good," He said, pausing to wink at me, "So he decided she can come to all of our games and sit on the sideline with the subs and coaches.  He also says he will pay for all of her family members' tickets that will come to the games and that they can hang out on the field on the side at warm ups," he said with the biggest smile on his face.

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