Chapter 13

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*Neymar's POV*
I am so stupid. I never thought in my life that I could feel this way about a girl like Mackenzie so quickly, but it did happen. I like Mackenzie. You know, in that way.

But seeing her with Messi, it hurt. I was jealous beyond words. I thought she liked me, but then she turns around and does that? Unbelievable. I was probably a real jerk for leaving her on that field, but I don't care. It hurt me to have to look her in the eyes and know she doesn't feel the same.

I sat in a chair drinking coffee and looking through instagram on my phone. Then, I remembered I have a conference today, where the public can interview me. Crap.

I quickly throw on a flat bill, my World Cup Jersey, and some ripped jeans and black shoes. I say goodbye to my son and dog, and I get in my car and drive to the conference.

As soon as I got there, all the fans cheered, most of them female. I smiled and shyly waved to everyone, and then took my seat behind a microphone next to 2 men. They didn't press very many questions about the World Cup incident, which I was thankful for. "Do you see yourself making it farther in the next World Cup?"

"I think I will, I think we will actually conquer the World Cup," I said honestly and proudly, and everyone laughed and cheered.

Then they brought up a subject that made me go numb.

"Neymar, so what do you think of Mackenzie Brooke?"

I froze in terror. I was afraid this would be brought up. "Umm, I would say she's an exceptional player. She's a great learner, and the team seems to like her."

I didn't what to say much about her at the moment. "Recent information say she's a model and a soccer player for FCBWST, but isn't quite recognized for her incredible skills. What do you think about that?"

"I would say I'm not surprised. She's a quiet girl, but just hasn't quite opened up on the field.b Once she gets help from the FCBMST, has better confidence, I'd say she'll be quite well known," I said nervously, feeling my eyes starting to water as I hid them under my hat.

It was hard to talk about her.

"She's a very beautiful woman, a great and successful person and soccer player, would you say you or any of your teammates have a little interest in Brooke?"

My eyes grew so big I thought they were gonna fall out of my head. "N-No...," my voice cracked, and I began to feel hot tears stream down my face.

"I thinks that's it for today," one of the men sitting next to me sternly said.

I mentally thanked him. Then I heard a reporter exclaim from the crowd, "Alright! That's a wrap everyone!"

Then, everyone began to leave the area. The 2 men both pat me on the back in a comforting gesture, and then left me alone to cry, wishing Mackenzie was mine.
*Mackenzie's POV*
I got up and glumly poured myself a cup of coffee, not bothering to turn on the t.v. because I know Neymar has a interview today on the news and I rather not see his face. I finished my coffee and then decided to go out, to clear my head.

I decided to go to a café, realizing I didn't eat at home and I'm hungry now. I go in there and get a muffin and began to eat it. Once I'm almost done, I saw horrifying words plastered on the screen as I look on the t.v. "Neymar has a new lover! Who is the mystery girl?"

I look at the picture of his new "girlfriend" and I froze. She looks a whole lot like me. I couldn't take it. I threw my muffin away and ran out the door, tears rolling down my face.

I went to the park down the street, found the nearest bench and sat on it and began to weep. Does he know I like him? Is that why he did this, to hurt me? I cried into my hands in defeat, not caring who was watching me at this moment. Then I here someone walk up to me and stood in front of me. "Hey, are you alright, love?" a young man asked with a raspy and distinct British accent.

I looked up to see who it was and I couldn't believe my eyes. I see a tall, handsome man standing in front of me. His beautiful brown curls swirled down the sides of his face as his gorgeous green eyes looked at me with such softness and concern. I recognized this guy from anywhere. My mouth dropped in shock. "H-Harry Styles?"

OMG plot twist Harry Styles in brought into the story comment and vote! What do you think?!?!

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