Chapter 26

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*Neymar's POV*
Each day I'm getting more and more caught up in my very strong feelings. I don't know why.

She should not be all I think about. I shouldn't love to see her smile, to hear her laugh. I shouldn't love the affection I get from her every now and then, and I shouldn't love giving her attention as well. Although, I do, very much.

I don't like it.

I've never felt so alive, so happy with a girl, so what's the difference with her? I can't help but fall for everything about her, inside and out.

Wait, fall?! What am I saying?!! I'm just going to forget I said that, because that is definitely not the cause here. I am not falling for her. She's my girlfriend, but I'm sure nothing more will come of this. Just typical "things won't work out" will take place, we break up, and in the end, it'll be like nothing ever happened.


"Neymar!" my girl, no, Mackenzie, yelled to me.


"Can you help me? I'm trying to dress Davi, but he won't cooperate!" she said in a frustrated tone, which was cute.

"Hang on I'm coming!" I yell out to her as I jog down the hall to Davi's room.

"Thank you," she smiled at me, making the argument about my feelings for her inside my head even harder.

She leaves the room as I pick out an outfit for Davi. After about 2 minutes, he's fully dressed. Then, I get an idea.


She comes jogging in. "Yes, love?"

I shiver, and then I mentally roll my eyes at how my body responded to her choice of words.

"Would you like to go somewhere with Davi and I?"

She walks up to me, smirking, and slides her arms around my neck while looking up at me as I freeze at her unexpected move.

"Well, I don't really have a choice do I? My sister went with my parents to the game. Then, my sister went home with my dad, and my mom drove my car home to my house. So either I wait until you two come back, or I go with you," she says, laughing after finishing her little speech.

"Well, I'll take that as a yes then," I chuckled, still nervous and shaky by how close she is.

She began to stare into my eyes. Now I see what they mean when you can look right through someone, as I see emotions swirling around in her hazel eyes. Although, I can't quite put a finger on what those emotions might be. Whatever they are, they're stirring up something deep inside of me, and next thing I know, I now got butterflies erupting in my stomach from the way Mackenzie's looking at me right now.

My feelings are getting out of control. She's taking control of me. Someway, somehow, she's doing something that's making my mind and heart go crazy. I have to put an end to it. How though? I know she's my girlfriend and all, but why does she make these things happen to me? Like, every time we touch, I feel a rush. Whenever she walks in somewhere the room just lights up. But, why?

"Earth to Neymar?!" Mackenzie yells at me in a sing-song voice.

"Oh! Sorry, let's go!" I say quickly as I jog over to Davi to pick him up, trying to distract myself from her.

I turn back to her with Davi sitting on my arm, and she's looking at me as if I'm crazy. I smile akwardly at her as I hold her hand with my free arm, and we walk out the door to my secret place that I always go to with my son.

Sorry, this one's so short! Just a filler for now since I'm so slow at updating. Also, I have 2 announcements..

*drum rolls*

WE HAVE OVER 5K READS!!!!! Thank you so much to everyone whos reading and supporting this book that is still developing! I never thought that this book would turn out great. Hopefully one day, when this is finished, it could get an award. I mean, anything is possible, right? You guys are the reason it's possible.... And the reason this book is #37 in fanfiction!!!!!!!!

Just wow. I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much for everything that's happened so far!!


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