Chapter 14

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I nervously ran my fingers through my straightened hair (it was still straight from when I went to Neymar's party) as I looked up at the guy I've dreamed of meeting for 4 years, when he made his first audition on a show. He is a killer singer and quite good looking. "That would be me," he said casually, chuckling at me. "Anyway, going back to my question, are you okay?" I then decided to stand up, looking at him in the eye. "No, not really," I replied, sniffing uncontrollably. He looked at me for a few seconds, and then his green eyes grew wide. "Wait! I recognize you... You're Mackenzie Brooke!!!" he said excitedly, now taking his turn to gape at me as if I was one of his long term favorite celebrities he finally got to meet as well.

"Wait... You know me?!" I asked him incredulously. "Yeah! I love soccer and I watch FCBWST all the time! I remember you caught my eye when you first joined the team! You are amazing," he smiled at me. I sniffled again feeling really nervous but happy, and I smile weakly and then and say thanks, blushing as usual. "I don't get much attention on the team though, from what I know besides my family and friends, you're my only fan..."
"Well I don't see why! You're great! You're like the female Neymar!" When he said that I began to cry uncontrollably again.

"No... I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!" he said sadly, rubbing my shoulder. "Is it something I said?"

"Well..yes. Unfortunately, Neymar is the reason for these tears."

"Really? Why?"

"Well, I became inspired by Neymar when watching him in the World Cup. He motivated me to do better and I learned from him. Then, through a screen, I began to like him more than a fan. Next I out of the blue get to practice with him and his team. I was ecstatic. One night though, I slipped and said he looked handsome, knowing he probably thought that I like him. He could think that I just compliment him though. The next day we have practice, and after practice I was supposed to train with Messi, and then Neymar. I practice with Messi, and we would mess around a little bit hear and there, had no idea Neymar was watching from afar. Once it was his turn, he rips my head off saying I'm a player for saying that he was good looking, and then flirting with Messi. I wasn't flirting I was just messing around! He then ended the conversation and walked away and left me alone in the what was almost the dark, and didn't even train me as required!! So I go home crying. Then this morning I go to the café to clear my head, and I see him on the news with another girl. I couldn't take it. It hurt too much. So I ran out and went to the park to cry alone, and hear I am......," I said, tears continuously streaming down my face.

Harry smiled sadly and wiped them away. He cupped my face and he cupped my face and made me look up at him. "Well he seems like a jerk, and was stupid to do that to you. Here's what I think though.. I saw the news before the one that you saw, it was Neymar's interview. They brought you up, and he became nervous and really quiet. The reporters asked him if him or anyone on the team had feelings for you. He said no with a shaky voice and began to cry, and the news ended. So I think... he likes you. He likes you, and was jealous that you were hanging out with Messi. So to get to you, he went to another girl. So, you need to throw his game back in his face," he said, seriously looking at me. "To be honest, I don't want this to be the end. I want to help you with this, and I want to get to know you and become closer with you," he said shyly, with an adorable cheeky smile on his face.

"I was hoping you would say that," and then I reached out and hugged him tightly. He laughed and smiled, wraping an arm around me. "I'd like to become closer with you too," I said, smiling into his shoulder. He kissed me on the top of the head and we pulled apart.

"So, about the shoving his own game back in his face thing....," I said, awkwardly stopped talking as if it was a question. "I'm not kissing you in front of Neymar, Mackenzie," he says flatly, with a huge smirk on his face. "No no no no no, that's not what I was going to ask you!......," I said quickly, turning bright red as he began to laugh at me. "I was gonna say maybe come to next practice? Just to mess with him," I asked, with a devilish grin. "I'm not going to say I'm your boyfrie-" "I know," I interrupted awkwardly, "I just... want you to be there...." I stated. "Ok.. I can do that," he said. "Send me the details later?" "Yeah, sure," I said, as we began to exchange numbers.

Once we were done, we hugged goodbye. Then we pulled apart. "I'll see you later, Mackenzie," Harry said. "You too, Harry."



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