Chapter 16

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I sprint up the field, and Neymar does the same. Then, we get to the first cone. Oh gosh... here goes nothing.... I go up and shove him pretty hard. We had the same strength. Second cone comes into view... He shoves me hard, too hard for me to be okay with. Third comes by, he shoves me even harder then last time, a smug grin plastered in his face in the process. I've had enough of this.

We come up to the fourth cone, and I shove him as hard as I can, sending him staggering to the right, which made me giggle to know I caught him off guard. I hear the team start to laugh and as Neymar and I run he turns around and gives them all a cold glare, silencing them in a matter of seconds. Then, we run up to the last cone.

Neymar and I come up, and I shove him as hard as I can again. Neymar didn't go easy on me at all, seeming to not care I was a girl at the moment. He shoves me as hard as he can, driving his shoulder into the middle of my back. He sends me flying forward, landing hard right on my face.

That earned a "Ooooohhh!" from the team, concern evident in their voice. "Get up, player," Neymar snarls at me and then walks over to the bench as the team begans to enjoy their water break. Wow... I then feel someone gently touch my shoulder. I smile when I see Marc and Dani looking down at me, sympathy in their eyes. "I'm sorry about that.. About him...," Marc began to say. "Its okay," I reply, grunting in pain. They then carefully help me up, and we walk over to the bench to get water. I gulp nervously as I see Harry over at the bench glaring at the ground while Neymar scowls at him from behind.

 I gulp nervously as I see Harry over at the bench glaring at the ground while Neymar scowls at him from behind

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I go over to talk to the team, having a good time, and then Neymar ruining it as he begins to speak to me. "Why don't you go talk to your British boyfriend?" Neymar questions, disgust evident in his voice. "I can talk to whoever I want to talk to, and he's not my boyfriend," I reply, giving him the same nasty tone. I notice Harry starting to walk over here, no emotion on his face. Oh no... This won't end well....

"Oh please," Neymar scoffs at me while I stand there in disbelief at his attitude. "I think you shouldn't be worried about that and think about the fact that you pushed a female a little too hard, mate," Harry says, geeting in Neymar's face. I laugh at the fact that he's a couple inches taller than Neymar, but also that he just called a Brazilian "mate". Neymar scrunched his nose at the word which made me laugh harder. "How about you worry about yourself," Neymar snaps back at him, squaring his shoulders to try and look taller, which didn't really work. "Back off," Harry growled, getting a little too close to Neymar.

It took all I had in me not to laugh, as they bickered with their 2 totally different foreign accents. Then I snapped out of it and try to break it up. "Okay! Enough you guys! I will not let you guys argue over something stupid! Harry, you need to calm down a little. Neymar, stop being so negative towards my friend and I! Even if he was my boyfriend why would you care?!" I yell at him. He stood there, and didn't say a word to me for a while, as the team stared at the 3 of us. "It's nothing. It doesn't matter. Practice is over anyway. Have a good day everyone," He says coldly, and then packs his things and exits off the field.

What's wrong with him???

*Neymar's POV*
What's wrong with her??? Can't she see that I like her? Then she goes and get some British snob as her little "friend?" Ugh, this is so aggravating.

I'm hopelessly jealous so I go and shove a woman to the ground, some man I am! Ugh. Doesn't matter, I'm mad at her for seeing that Harry guy, and I'm mad that he's the one with her and not me. Hopefully he isn't there next practice so I'm not tempted to rip his head off for being with the girl I have feelings for.

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